
How big is this directory?

By default, Jackrabbit uses Apache Derby to persist data. This directory
belongs to the embedded Apache Derby databases. There is a way to compact
Derby databases, however you would need implement this yourself. I found the
link to the Apache Derby documentation:



On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Xudaquan <xudaquan2...@yahoo.cn> wrote:

>    Hello, I meet a problem describe below when I use jackrabbit:
>   when I add nodes to the repository,this size of some files in de diretory
> 'jackrabbit\workspaces\default\db\seg0'  increase incessantly, but after
> stop adding nodes to the repository, I remove all nodes I added, all the
> sizes of files in diretory 'jackrabbit\workspaces\default\db\seg0'  remain
> the same.  so the disk space jacerabbit use cann't release.
> how to solve this problem?
> thanks!
> ------------------------------
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