[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-04-27 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Branch created: 
 Won't delete it this year, in case we need to revisit.

Followed that by:

$ git rebase -i HEAD~18
$   # fixed-up all but the first commit
$ git diff JENA-632-before-merge 
$   # empty response, code is identical even though different commit tree
$ git checkout master
$ git merge JENA-632-2
$ git commit --amend
$   # added This closes #114 message to close this pull request
$ mvn clean test install -Pdev
$ git push git-at-apache master


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-04-27 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

That works for me.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-04-27 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

:tada: should I proceed with the merging? If so, I will squash the 18 
commits into a single one before, as said before, but with a backup branch 
just-in-case. And then start working on the documentation in order to update 
the ticket in JIRA.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-04-25 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

@afs also removed the `Number()` clause as that was not being used any 
more. Ready for review again :+1: 

And big thanks for all the feedback (and patience!) so far.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-04-18 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Rebase'd against master. Added `TestJsonEval.java`, with a couple more 
tests. Then understood why the projected variables were not working.

Updated the grammar to call the method that populates the `projectedVars` 
collection. Now queries like `JSON { 'F' : 'string' } WHERE { }` resolve to `[ 
{ 'F' : 'string' } ]`.

Still need to work around the other comment about `Double`s.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-20 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

If it does not make the release then - whatever! - there'll be another 
along soon!

I may be able to do some work on it after the release. I think I now 
understand it better and it makes a useful contribution to developing 
applications that want JSON simply.

Have fun in Japan!


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-20 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

Eval tests: https://gist.github.com/afs/9e57b705a0d53889606346f6723238ce

Framework : needs more tests!


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-20 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

@afs had a quick look at your gist and it looks good! I won't be able to 
have a proper look at it and to commit for the next ~8 hours. But feel free to 
commit to this branch and update the pull request too if you prefer :-)


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-20 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

And only started working again on this because you bumped this PR @ajs6f 
:-) learning a lot working on this ticket, and with JENA-1488, hope to start 
contributing back to Jena more now.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-20 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Will apply some of the changes tonight. But I'm afraid I may not be able to 
fix the serialization issues before this weekend when there might be a new 
release. This weekend I'll be in Japan for some weeks, so may have to complete 
working on the other comments by mid-April 😢 


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-20 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

Syntax tests: https://gist.github.com/afs/e069478ec6839267256b9eacd30aa2c4


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-20 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Replied @afs `s last comment, and also rebased the code. Even though it's 
rebased, there's quite a few commits... let me know if I should squash the 
commits or if it's preferable to leave the commit history :-) ready to review, 
take 3?


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-16 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:




Screenshots of Fuseki running some JSON queries. Everything seems to be 
working fine :tada: ready for review, take 2 ! 


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-15 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

Great timing! but as ever, it it makes it, it makes it, and if it doesn't, 
it doesn't.

(I will not be able to build 3.7.0 until next week anyway.)

PR #383 merged.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-15 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Most of the tests are done, just need to add at least basic coverage for 
the SPARQL changes. Then will spend some minutes playing with the queries in 
Fuseki, before updating the PR. Aiming to push the changes Friday night NZ 
time, or this weekend.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-14 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

PR #383 - we can still change it based on experience.

BTW The grammar accepts the JSON field names in single quotes to make 
embedding in strings easier. It's a STRING1, either one `"` or one `'` 
delimiting (not mixed!).

I doubt it will need many tests.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-14 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

FWIW, the output of the second test right now is

  "s" : "s" ,
  "p" : "" ,
  "o" : "def@en"
  "s" : "s" ,
  "p" : "" ,
  "o" : "abc"
  "s" : "s" ,
  "p" : "" ,
  "o" : "123^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal;


@afs are you planning to send another PR when the draft is ready (it looks 
good to me as-is now :-) ) or would you prefer to include in this PR and 
Jena-632? It does seem to be related with/necessary for JENA-632. Happy to get 
updates to this branch :-)


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-14 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

+1 for the current draft

I would use it 

This way instead of looking only at the literals, we'd have the output from 
the table above.

So far I have just two unit tests in my working copy

@Test public void testExecJson() {
// JENA-632
Query query = QueryFactory.create("JSON { \"s\": ?s , \"p\": ?p , 
\"o\" : ?o } "
+ "WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", Syntax.syntaxARQ);

try ( QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, m) 
) {
JsonArray jsonArray = qexec.execJson();
assertNotNull( jsonArray );
assertEquals(3, jsonArray.size());

@Test public void testExecJsonItems() {
// JENA-632
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
Resource r = model.createResource(AnonId.create("s"));
Property p = model.getProperty("");
RDFNode node = ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral("123", 
model.add(r, p, node);
r = model.createResource(AnonId.create("s"));
p = model.getProperty("");
node = ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral("abc", 
model.add(r, p, node);
r = model.createResource(AnonId.create("s"));
p = model.getProperty("");
node = ResourceFactory.createLangLiteral("def", "en");
model.add(r, p, node);
Query query = QueryFactory.create("JSON { \"s\": ?s , \"p\": ?p , 
\"o\" : ?o } "
+ "WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", Syntax.syntaxARQ);

try ( QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, 
model) ) {
Iterator execJsonItems = qexec.execJsonItems();
while(execJsonItems.hasNext()) {
JsonObject next = execJsonItems.next();

Where the second test is doing - more or less - the same example you 
provided in your previous comment. Once we have the conversion in place, I will 
update it to confirm I get what's expected.

Then after that I was thinking about quickly running with jacoco to see how 
much of this PR is being tested.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-13 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

Conversion code (draft): 2dd4418a22 (on a branch in my GH at the moment).

The code is in `RDFTerm2Json.fromNode`.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-12 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Going to check how to get the correct values with JSON. Great catch, as I 
was using just Strings. But shouldn't be too hard.

Will also include the initial tests with the next changes, covering both 
previous features, and the conversion from the table you provided :-)



[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-12 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:



[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-12 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

I applied 114.patch locally and it integrated just fine.

I tried `JSON { "s": ?s , "p": ?p , "o" : ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }` on data
:s :p 123 .
:s :p "abc" .
:s :p "def"@en .
and got:
[ { "o" : "123^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer; } ,
  { "o" : "abc" } ,
  { "o" : "def@en" }
I think we should use a more aggressive version of the conversion from RDF 
term to JS used in the upcoming [JS custom 
 That works on `NodeValue`s to make functions more natural to write and is 

For JSON-SELECT we only need a one way conversion and getting info out even 
if it is some string is better IMO.

| RDF | Javascript |
|  |  |
| String | String |
| XSD numeric | JSON number |
| XSD boolean | boolean |
| String@lang | String, no lang |
| URI | String |
| "lex"^^SomeDatatype | String, no datatype |
| Unbound | JSON null |

If the app wants RDF term details, it can use 
`application/result-set+json`. This feature provides provides a simpler, more 
JSONy view of the data for consuming RDF-unaware applications.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-09 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Done, and ready for review again.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-09 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:


Tested the `ARQParser` main method (which is added here, but I find very 
handy for quickly testing it, but happy to remove if others prefer). And got 
the following:

Enter input: JSON { "name": ?name } WHERE { ?name ?a ?b } LIMIT 3

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (Jena).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for 
more info.
Parsed query successfully!

Enter input: 

Then did a `mvn install -DskipTests -Pdev`, and copied 
`apache-jena-fuseki-3.7.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz` elsewhere. Unpacked it, and started 

Used an in-memory dataset in Fuseki2, loading the `books.ttl` example 
shipped with Jena code.

Finally, used the query found in the JIRA ticket to retrieve the JSON 

PREFIX purl: 
PREFIX w3:  

"author": ?author, 
"title": ?title 
?book purl:creator ?author .
?book purl:title ?title . 
FILTER (?author = 'J.K. Rowling')
And here's the output:

[ { 
  "author" : "J.K. Rowling" ,
  "title" : "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
  "author" : "J.K. Rowling" ,
  "title" : "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  "author" : "J.K. Rowling" ,
  "title" : "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"
  "author" : "J.K. Rowling" ,
  "title" : "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"

Going to push-force onto this branch now, so the pull request should be 
rebased onto the latest changes in a couple minutes.


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-09 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Rebasing again, now manually, testing in Eclipse. Previous branch before 
the GitHub rebase archived at https://github.com/kinow/jena/tree/JENA-632-3


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-09 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Rebased using GitHub's interface :tada:  (never used it before, hope didn't 
make any silly mistakes :-) ).

Good points @afs ! I noticed the existing SPARQL to JSON result writers, so 
adjusted a bit the code to use that.

Now when I try to rebase against the master branch I get a bunch of 
conflicts, but GitHub web interface seems to indicate it's all good. I was 
trying to find a simple way to rebase it, but if I can't fix the conflicts and 
compile & test it, I'll just revert to what was before and then just manually 
rebase :)


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-08 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

The JSON ecosystem moves fast! GraphQL is now significant and how that 
might be used is also very interesting. There are different ways to use GraphQL 
and maybe it is not the solution to all needs anyway - this ticket is more 
about result sets in easy-to-consume JSON than other work in the GraphQL-RDF 
area and more about JSON services.

To move this ticket forward, how about putting the feature in with a big 
label saying "Experimental - subject to change" and _really_ mean it?  By 
getting it out, it generates feedback, requirements and insight. 

You can ask for result sets in JSON but the JSON 
(http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-results-json/) or JSON-LD graphs but that isn't 
what general data consumers would consider to be "easy-to-consume".

Is the RDF literal to JSON aligned with:
 (which only came along recently).


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-07 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

Hey @ajs6f , I think so. My weak memory seems to tell me that the last time 
I did that... shortly after, there was some work on JSON (JSON-LD? Or maybe 
pure JSON) somewhere else in Jena; and when I saw that happening, I wondered if 
that would perhaps be a replacement for the functionality in this ticket.

I wonder if you or @afs would be able to confirm that there isn't already 
another way to get JSON responses in Jena, and that this feature is still a 
nice to have feature, please?  :)


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2018-03-06 Thread ajs6f
Github user ajs6f commented on the issue:

Hey, @kinow , is this ready for rebase and review? I can try rebasing it 
into a separate PR, or you can if you have time... then (hopefully) we can get 
it in!


[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2017-05-13 Thread tommals
Github user tommals commented on the issue:

Relevant to this thread [Return nested JSON 

If your project is set up for it, you can reply to this email and have your
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with INFRA.

[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2017-05-13 Thread defret5y6u7yhfgtdrfe
Github user defret5y6u7yhfgtdrfe commented on the issue:

Relevant to this thread: [Return nested JSON 

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with INFRA.

[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2017-03-20 Thread ajs6f
Github user ajs6f commented on the issue:

No prob-- good to see you back, @kinow !

If your project is set up for it, you can reply to this email and have your
reply appear on GitHub as well. If your project does not have this feature
enabled and wishes so, or if the feature is enabled but not working, please
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with INFRA.

[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2017-03-20 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

@ajs6f sorry for the delay. Checked out the branch, just need to refresh my 
memory. Will need a few more days before pinging you guys to check out this PR 
again. Next month finally will have some time to play with Jena again, then 
plan to have this PR completed, and check if there's any Fuseki or easy tasks 
in JIRA :-)


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with INFRA.

[GitHub] jena issue #114: JENA-632: Generate JSON from SPARQL directly

2017-02-09 Thread ajs6f
Github user ajs6f commented on the issue:

@kinow is this still live?

If your project is set up for it, you can reply to this email and have your
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