There is not enough information for me to answer your question. I don't see any 

$ echo "i'll give you 10% of the asking price" | ./ | ./joshua
I'll give you 10 % of the asking price

> On Dec 16, 2016, at 3:22 AM, Aliaksei Rudak <> wrote:
> Also there is a problem with parsing (%) sign in sentences. Do you know how 
> to solve this ?
> 2016-12-15 10:57 GMT+03:00 Aliaksei Rudak < 
> <>>:
> Hi Matt,
> English-Russian language pack has broken link
> <>
> When do you plan to create and upload other languages ?
> Regards,
> Alexei
> 2016-12-14 21:50 GMT+03:00 Matt Post < 
> <>>:
> 1. If you download Joshua from GitHub, and run "", it 
> builds KenLM and the KenLM library. If you can do that, that is all you need 
> to do.
> 2. <> is a great place to 
> get parallel data; it's where we got all the data we use.
> 3. Joshua has a Java API (undocumented) but not a C++ one.
>> On Dec 14, 2016, at 10:30 AM, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> 1) Can you estimate approximate date of releasing language packs with kenlm 
>> model ? I have a teammate who know c++ well so If we have more information 
>> (or tutorial) of how to do that by ourselves we can share the result with 
>> others. So it will be benefit for all.
>> 2) Where can I get or buy parallel corpora for other languages ? Where did 
>> you get data for current huge language packs? I found several sources but 
>> they so small in size.
>> 3) Is there any document of how to create offline translation system based 
>> on Joshua and make it as c++ library for example ?
>> 2016-12-14 14:33 GMT+03:00 Matt Post < 
>> <>>:
>> 1. the lm cannot be used with moses. we have berkeleylm format you need 
>> kenlm. we are releasing kenlm soon. kenlm is better but it requires the user 
>> to compile c++ code which can be tricky. 
>> 2/3. please see the README in each language pack. you need to pass input 
>> text through "" which does tokenization. 
>> matt (from my phone)
>> Le 14 déc. 2016 à 06:16, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>> <>> a écrit :
>>> Hi Matt, 
>>> Thanks for answers.
>>> 1) Can language models inside Joshua language packs work with Moses MT ? If 
>>> yes - can you give me the link how to run them on it ? 
>>> 2) I installed several instances (German, Spanish, Russian) and all of them 
>>> have the same strange issue. Trying to translate one sentence. 
>>> For example from Spanish to English
>>> "Además podrás encontrar las audiciones de los textos con distintos acentos 
>>> del español. "
>>> Translates as
>>> "Also auditions, you'll find texts with different accents of español"
>>> It means that one word in sentence (español) is not translated correct. But 
>>> it's ok if you translating single word ( español )
>>> Same for other languages (German, Russian). All words (except one or 
>>> sometimes 2 words) are not translated. Do you know how to fix this ?
>>> 3) How to translate sentences with punctuation marks (comma, exclamation, 
>>> question marks etc) ?
>>> Translating from Spanish to English gives error
>>> "¿Se puede aprender a escribir? ¿El escritor nace o se hace? La vieja 
>>> pregunta."
>>> If you try to translate words separated with commas it not translates these 
>>> words
>>> "inglés, francés, alemán y portugués"
>>> output
>>> "Inglés, francés, german and portuguese"
>>> Regards,
>>> Alexei
>>> 2016-12-13 17:44 GMT+03:00 Matt Post < 
>>> <>>:
>>>> On Dec 12, 2016, at 3:04 PM, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> 1) If English-German pair will be recompiled to German-English 
>>>> (vice-versa) do I need a separate instance to process back translation ? 
>>>> Or they can work in one instance in both directions ?
>>> A whole new model needs to be trained. You need a separate model for each 
>>> direction.
>>>> 2) Are there any documents about how to recompile model to work vice-versa 
>>>> from German-English to English-German ?
>>>> At this page under the “Project Info” title links “Community page” and 
>>>> “Current Documentation” not working
>>>> <>
>>> This document on running the pipeline:
>>> <>3)
>>>  Are there ways of increasing translation quality without changing 
>>> (extending) language model?  
>>>> At this page under “How do I make Joshua produce better results? at second 
>>>> option (Joshua directly) link not working
>>>> <>
>>> Yes but it's complicated. The best way is to add data, but there are lots 
>>> of other models and parameter variations that could be tried.
>>>> 4) How can I reduce the amount of memory each language pair instance use 
>>>> without losing process speed and quality?
>>> If you can find German–French parallel data, use that. Otherwise, pivot 
>>> through another language.
>>>> 5) To make translation from German to French do I need to make translation 
>>>> via English conversion ? (like German to English first and then English to 
>>>> French) 
>>>> I mean for the case without German-French parallel data.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Alexei
>>>> 2016-12-12 17:58 GMT+03:00 Matt Post < 
>>>> <>>:
>>>> No, each has to be run separately. But not all are equally good, so I 
>>>> suggest starting with a few and building up.
>>>> If you get KenLM working in place of BerkeleyLM, the language models will 
>>>> be shared between them if they are on the same machine. I will post 
>>>> instructions soon.
>>>> Yes, each one has two language models that are interpolated.
>>>>> On Dec 12, 2016, at 9:20 AM, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>>> You was right about increasing memory. Spanish works fine now but need 
>>>>> about 16GB to run. Is it possible to use one Joshua instance for all 
>>>>> language pairs simultaneously ? Right now I use one instance for each 
>>>>> pair at it takes about 4GB, so for all 60 languages I need 240 GB of RAM 
>>>>> memory and 60 running instances. But may be it's possible to process all 
>>>>> language translation with one instance and use for example 32 GB ?
>>>>> Also I found that every language pair archive has 2 language models ( 
>>>>> Berkeley and KenLM ) Do I need them two at once ? Or Joshua selects one 
>>>>> of them depending on some parameters ?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Alexei
>>>>> 2016-12-07 15:51 GMT+03:00 Matt Post < 
>>>>> <>>:
>>>>> I fixed the Czech link.
>>>>> For Spanish–English, what is the error? I imagine you have to provide 
>>>>> more memory. Edit the "joshua" script and double or triple the amount of 
>>>>> memory.
>>>>>> On Dec 7, 2016, at 7:14 AM, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>>>> Can you check Czech-English language pack, it has broken link. 
>>>>>> Spanish-English pair not works, throws exceptions
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Alexei
>>>>>> 2016-11-28 17:30 GMT+03:00 < 
>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>> Hi Matt, what time (total price ) will be to record video of how to make 
>>>>>> translation vice-versa (from german to english)  to english to german 
>>>>>> pair
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Alexei
>>>>>> On Nov 28, 2016, at 17:59, Matt Post < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Inline below:
>>>>>>>> On Nov 26, 2016, at 11:12 AM, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>>>>>> We need to prepare all infrastructure now so you can make changes in 
>>>>>>>> future. Preparation will take time. Right now I have several questions 
>>>>>>>> about all this things.
>>>>>>>> 1) Does Joshua has language auto-detect feature ? If yes – how to use 
>>>>>>>> it? If not – is it hard to do it ?
>>>>>>> This feature is called LID ("language ID"). It is not in Joshua 
>>>>>>> currently but we have talked about it, and it wouldn't be too difficult 
>>>>>>> to add in.
>>>>>>>> 2) On this page
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> In first sentence there is link to “Corpus” at the end where language 
>>>>>>>> datasets should be located, but when I clicked on link it gives me 
>>>>>>>> English-German pack to download.
>>>>>>>> Is it correct behavior ? if not – can you give the link to such 
>>>>>>>> datasets
>>>>>>> Sorry, the link should go to 
>>>>>>> <>. I just fixed it.
>>>>>>>> 3) Can you record a video of your screen of how to recompile language 
>>>>>>>> pair to translate vice-versa ? To make English-German pair to 
>>>>>>>> translate from German to English ?
>>>>>>>> Can I pay for such video without contract now (or I can mark paypal 
>>>>>>>> payment for example that I’m paying for your assistance)?
>>>>>>>> Because we need to make initial setup of all system and check how much 
>>>>>>>> assistance we need , when and where.
>>>>>>>> 4) What kind of contract and conditions do you prefer ? What is your 
>>>>>>>> hourly rate ?
>>>>>>> I still have to confirm with my employer that I am allowed to engage in 
>>>>>>> outside work. My hourly rate is $250. I would give you estimates ahead 
>>>>>>> of time so you could know what it would cost you.
>>>>>>> If that sounds good to you, can you clarify for me who the money would 
>>>>>>> be coming from? If it's a company, what is the name of the company, and 
>>>>>>> where is it incorporated? If it's a person, what is their name, and 
>>>>>>> what is their citizenship? I would need this information for my own tax 
>>>>>>> purposes.
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Alexei
>>>>>>>> 2016-11-24 19:14 GMT+03:00 Aliaksei Rudak < 
>>>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>>>> yes, ok, 
>>>>>>>> Skype chat at 9 AM EST on Friday, November 25
>>>>>>>> 2016-11-24 18:33 GMT+03:00 Matt Post < 
>>>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>>>> Great, let's chat at 9 AM EST?
>>>>>>>>> On Nov 23, 2016, at 4:31 PM, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I sent you skype request. Let's plan on Friday when you have a free 
>>>>>>>>> time. As for me I can from 8-00 till 16-00 (EST) anytime. I will 
>>>>>>>>> deploy all things from local machine to some service (will select it 
>>>>>>>>> tomorrow ) and send you access.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Alexei
>>>>>>>>> 2016-11-24 0:08 GMT+03:00 Matt Post < 
>>>>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>>>>> I am mpost89 — what time works for you? I have a little time now, 
>>>>>>>>> otherwise not till Friday. I am in EST time zone.
>>>>>>>>> matt
>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 23, 2016, at 3:28 PM, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>>>>>>>> My skype is "alrudak". Can we talk with voice and discuss all 
>>>>>>>>>> details ?
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Alexei
>>>>>>>>>> 2016-11-23 22:41 GMT+03:00 Matt Post < 
>>>>>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>>>>>> That should be fairly easy to do. What about running them as Amazon 
>>>>>>>>>> AMI instances? Or do you want them to run on your own servers? Would 
>>>>>>>>>> docker containers suffice?
>>>>>>>>>> This might be something I could do for you. Can you give me more 
>>>>>>>>>> information about your company?
>>>>>>>>>> matt
>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 23, 2016, at 9:48 AM, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to create my own translation service like Google 
>>>>>>>>>>> Translate with api to use it from my mobile apps (as clients) or as 
>>>>>>>>>>> web-site where you can enter phrase for translation (like Google 
>>>>>>>>>>> did).    You told that "Google-translate-style API" is already 
>>>>>>>>>>> presented in server mode, how can I use it ?
>>>>>>>>>>> I was able to install server and download one language pair to 
>>>>>>>>>>> test. For example English - German. Does this language pair can do 
>>>>>>>>>>> translation only in one direction (English German) and not vice 
>>>>>>>>>>> versa (From German to English)? If it's possible to translate vice 
>>>>>>>>>>> versa how can I do this ?
>>>>>>>>>>> If someone can help me on paid basis - please give it's contacts.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Alexei
>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-11-23 16:21 GMT+03:00 Matt Post < 
>>>>>>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Yes, you can translate as much as you'd like. Do you mean lots 
>>>>>>>>>>> of sentences or long sentences?
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Yes, that is what it does. It even offers (in server mode) a 
>>>>>>>>>>> Google-translate-style API.
>>>>>>>>>>> 3. There may be someone interested in helping you. What exactly are 
>>>>>>>>>>> you trying to do? What do you mean "all" language pairs?
>>>>>>>>>>> > On Nov 19, 2016, at 2:08 PM, Aliaksei Rudak < 
>>>>>>>>>>> > <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>> > Hi Matt,
>>>>>>>>>>> > Can you help me and ask several questions about  Joshua project ?
>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>> > 1) Is it possible to translate big amounts of text with Joshua ? 
>>>>>>>>>>> > ( For example 1000 characters per transaction)
>>>>>>>>>>> > 2) Does Joshua works like Google Translate ? So you can put 
>>>>>>>>>>> > sentence in one language and get translated in another language ?
>>>>>>>>>>> > 3) Can you  (or your teammates ) help me with deployment Joshua 
>>>>>>>>>>> > on my server and setup all language pairs ? I will pay you.
>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>> > Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> > Alexei
>>>>>>>>>>> >

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