
I have no idea how to submit a bug : amongst all the help given to
participate to the project, submitting a bug is the hardest and least
documented, neither is easy to do. So I hope this email will reach the
proper hands on your side :-)

The bug is easy to reproduce:

1 - Create a topic with dots inside the name (eg: test.test2.test3)

2 - Mark the topic for deletion

3 - Stop the server (using the stop service kafka command, which is an ugly
kill -9 in behind...)

4 - Restart the server: it will say that it cannot find the topic to
delete, because it seems to look for an extension but instead finds a topic
name part.

This is a simble mistake: the string is splitted on the dots, and instead
of taking the last element of the list returned by the split() it seems to
look for the first element + 1 (hence thinking topic is test and its
extension is test2.test3.log). So the server crashes and is impossible to
restore/restart until you perform a manual deletion.

A fix and a cleaner shutdown method which will prevent creating "corrupted
index files" is welcomed :-D

Thank awesome guys

Have a good day



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