Re: KafkaConsumer - Poll consumes more records than needed

2016-06-21 Thread Jason Gustafson
Hi there, >From 0.10 forward, the consumer supports a configuration option "max.poll.records" to limit the number of records returned from each call to poll(). Note also that if you use commitSync or commitAsync (with no arguments), the consumer assumes that you intend to commit offsets for all

KafkaConsumer - Poll consumes more records than needed

2016-06-21 Thread Asier Aranbarri Beldarrain
Hi everyone! I'm new to this mailing list; Hope I can find solutions and who knows, maybe some day help other Kafka developers. I'm facing an issue regarding the new (>=0.9) KafkaConsumer and its poll() method: What would be the correct way to specify a maximum amount of records to be processed