Hi there,

Any idea why log.retention attribute is not working?  We kept 
log.retention.hours=6 in server.properties but we see old data are not getting 
deleted. We see Dec 9th data/log files are still there.
We are running this in production boxes and if it does not delete the old files 
our storage will be full very soon. Please help on this.

Here is the details of our configuration:

# The minimum age of a log file to be eligible for deletion

# A size-based retention policy for logs. Segments are pruned from the log as 
long as the remaining
# segments don't drop below log.retention.bytes.

# The maximum size of a log segment file. When this size is reached a new log 
segment will be created.

# The interval at which log segments are checked to see if they can be deleted 
# to the retention policies


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