In 0.7, we create a new socket after reconnect.interval messages. Messages
sent through different sockets may not arrive at the broker in order. The
reason to have reconnect.interval is for the producer to get a chance to
see the new broker added to a load balancer (if one uses a VIP to send
messages). You can try setting it to a larger value.



On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Jason Loveland

> We are running kafka 0.7.2.
> We have a simple producer that sends messages in time order into a single
> broker with a single partition. We have a simple consumer that has 1 thread
> that gets messages. Our simple program shows some messages out of order
> when consuming. This was very surprising because we read in the literature
> the following:
> Within a partition messages are stored in the order in which they arrive
> at the broker, and will be given out to consumers in that same order.
> What could be the issue? Is this expected behavior?

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