Currently,  with holding the assigned replicas(AR) for all partitions, 
controller is now able to elect new leaders by selecting the first replica of 
AR which occurs in both live replica set and ISR. If switching to the LEO-based 
strategy, controller context might need to be enriched or augmented to store 
those values.  If retrieving those LEOs real-time, several rounds of RPCs are 
unavoidable which seems to violate the  original intention of this KIP.

发件人: Dong Lin <>
发送时间: 2018年1月24日 14:31
主题: Re: KIP-250 Add Support for Quorum-based Producer Acknowledgment

Hey Litao,

Thanks for the KIP. I have one quick comment before you provide more detail
on how to select the leader with the largest LEO.

Do you think it would make sense to change the default behavior of acks=-1,
such that broker will acknowledge the message once the message has been
replicated to min.insync.replicas brokers? This would allow us to keep the
same durability guarantee, improve produce request latency without having a
new config.


On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 8:38 PM, Litao Deng <>

> Hey folks. I would like to add a feature to support the quorum-based
> acknowledgment for the producer request. We have been running a
> modified version of Kafka on our testing cluster for weeks, the
> improvement of P999 is significant with very stable latency.
> Additionally, I have a proposal to achieve a similar data durability
> as with the insync.replicas-based acknowledgment through LEO-based
> leader election.
> 250+Add+Support+for+Quorum-based+Producer+Acknowledge

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