>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>:

> Quick update about the bin/inc issue: it seems to be an environment
> issue on one of my machine (I'm suspecting the CRLF git config).
> I tested the SNAPSHOT deployed by Jenkins and it's working fine.

JB, FWIW, I run with an LF only setup, and this is how I do it:
 1. I add an .editorconfig like this to all projects (works with
    IntelliJ, eclipse and emacs, and probably more):
 2. After cloning a repo on windows, before starting work, I do the
     git config core.eol lf
     git config core.autocrlf input
     git rm -rf --cached .
     git reset --hard HEAD
   (it's a an annoyance (but a minor one) to remember to do this after a
   fresh clone.  However after being bitten by strange behaviour and
   unexpected results, I stay away from global git settings, and checked
   in .gitconfig files)

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