Hey folks,

I did a "bulk change" on JIRA to change the "target versions" field to 1.3
for any open JIRAs still targeted against 1.2.

If you've got anything you still think is critical for 1.2, please raise it
on the dev list.

Separately, please take a look at JIRAs you have assigned to yourself for
1.3 and, if you don't think you'll be working on it in the next couple of
months, let's remove the target version field. Additionally, there are a
lot of JIRAs marked "critical" that we've been pushing from version to
version for 6-12 months or more -- that's a good hint they probably aren't
that critical and we should downgrade to major.

Let's also start working on docs and release notes for 1.2 this week. I
think we have a number of changes that are worth highlighting, and it seems
we don't have any noted in docs/release_notes.adoc yet.


Todd Lipcon
Software Engineer, Cloudera

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