There is an empty string in en-US.sdf and every time I run po2oo it
could not switch language code on   instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice\windows\

When I run
$gsicheck -c -l sl GSI-m142.sdf
I get strange error
Error: File format, Line 242711: No source language entry defined!  ""
(there is only 130682 lines in GSI)

And after I copy/paste inc_openoffice\windows\msi_languages\Control.ulf
line in GSI-m142.sdf and change en-US to sl in the 2nd line, gsicheck
doesn't complain anymore.

Empty string in en-US.sdf:
instsetoo_native        inc_openoffice\windows\msi_languages\Control.ulf
       0       LngText OOO_CONTROL_243                         0
en-US                                   20051120 17:50:58

Why is there an empty string in en-US.sdf?
Robert Ludvik

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