On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Ain Vagula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We had such a conversation in translate-devel list:
> Clytie wrote:
> Splitting help files: How did your team split the large file?  Did
> someone just choose to break it at a certain point?  What I'm really
> after is is their an automated way to do this?
> Dwayne wrote:
> Manually, arbitrarily. No rule. I think he actually split them by
> size, e.g. into four equally-sized pieces. It makes more sense to
> split them by content, but that would require someone going through
> and putting in markers.
> Arbitrary splits are hard to automate I'm afraid :(
> I wrote:
> Big help po-files are very discouraging for translators ;)
> Maybe it makes sense to split files so: when xhp-file begins with
> number, then by first 6 numbers, when with letter, then by first
> letter.
> First 6 numbers means that every po-file will contain logically
> splitted help part, first letter means nothing but makes just guide.po
> files smaller.

umm, when using 6 numbers for sorting, there will be 1500 po files...
when using 5 numbers, then about 700 and including many one-liners.
Even this will be overhead...


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