weizhao wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there anyone can tell me what is the use of the .srs files?
> And what relations among the following files, .srs, .res, .sdf, .src, .sdi, 
> .hrc 
> and .xml?

srs files are created by the OOo resource compiler, they are not in cvs.
They are more or less the same as src files but already preprocessed
(defines replaced by numbers etc.). Finally a bunch of them gets
compiled into the binary res files.

sdf files contain localized resources defined in src files - the src
files nowadays only contain the english language. In former times all
languages have been in the src files. The creation of sdf files (amongst
other benefits) saved us from merge conflicts happening due the
permanent changes of the localizations with occasional changes in the

hrc files are header files that define symbols for resource ids so they
usually get included in both the resource files defining the resources
and the c++ source files using the resources defined in the src files.

sdi files are something completely different. They contain definition
files for the dispatch API of sfx2 based applications and are not
related to resources at all. In veeeeery ancient times they contained
localizable strings also but not nowadays.

xml files can have several purposes, some of them are used for the
definition of menubar, toolbar or keyboard shortcuts configuration. Only
the latter may contain localized content - not strings but language
dependent shortcuts. Localization of menubar or toolbar items is done by
localizing the contained command names using xcu files from the OOo


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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