
I'm trying to understand what were the reasons for adding the K8 service
affinity based on region label [1] ?

If i remove it to overcome the problem described below, what use case will
i lose?

This predicate attempts to place pods with specific labels in its node
selector on nodes that have the same label.

If the pod does not specify the labels in its node selector, then the first
pod is placed on any node based on availability and all subsequent pods of
the service are scheduled on nodes that have the same label values as that

In our case we deploy rabbitmq pods that use hostPort and in an event of a
infra node failure the new rabbitmq pod will fail to start (will remain in
pending) since it can not find another node with region=infra with free


[1] https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/blob/release-3.10/roles/
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