The CFP for DevConf.CZ closes next Friday! Please let me know if you need
help with your abstract / presenting / giving demonstrations!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Irina Gulina <>
Date: Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 2:07 PM
Subject: [CFP] DevConf.CZ 2019 CfP closes next week, Friday, October 26!
To: brno-list <>, devconfcz <>,
Emea-services <>, <>
Cc: Radek Vokal <>

Dear all!

DevConf.CZ 2019, a free conference for open source enthusiasts organized
and sponsored by Red Hat, is looking for speakers, booths and workshops!
Submit your proposal on  Deadline is October 26,
next Friday!

We also kindly ask you to help us to promote DevConf.CZ 2019 CfP. Please
talk about it with your team members, with communities you belong too, with
your family and friends, with anyone who you believe may be interested in
it. Scream about it! Share DevConf.CZ CfP message [1]. Share DevConf.CZ
poster [2].

If you are interested to help with DevConf.CZ 2019 organization, please
join devconfcz mailing list.

Thank you,
Irina Gulina and Kveta Mrstikova,
Co-chairs of DevConf.CZ
on behalf of organizers
[1] DevConf.CZ 2019 is looking for speakers and workshops. Sign up on

DevConf.CZ 2019 is the 11th annual, free, Red Hat sponsored community
conference for developers, admins, DevOps engineers, testers, documentation
writers and other contributors and enthusiasts in open source technologies
such as Linux, Middleware, Virtualization, Storage, Cloud and many others.

DevConf.CZ 2019 is welcoming speakers with different level of experience.
DevConf.CZ offers first time speakers great venue to test their skills and
at the same time DevConf.CZ brings speakers who are experts in their areas.
Talks at DevConf.CZ are very technical and oftentimes require prior
experience with a project or technology.

DevConf.CZ 2019 is organized by a group of volunteers who are encouraged to
own different parts of the conference and drive it. There is no admission
or ticket charge for DevConf.CZ 2019 events. Free registration is required
though. See for more information.

CfP closes: October 26, 2018
Accepted speakers confirmation: November 12, 2018
Schedule published: December 10, 2018
Event dates: Friday, January 25 to Sunday, January 27, 2019
Venue: Faculty of Information Technology (VUT FIT - Božetěchova  2, Brno)

DevConf.CZ volunteers


K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards Team
dev mailing list

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