Hi all,

There have been a few video chats recently, and I wanted to briefly
summarize some of the discussion to make sure everyone is included.

* We set a psuedo-random goal of having an "alpha" release
  before the SCALE conference[1] on January 21–26.

* We have been clarifying the goal for that release on an
  Etherpad document, https://v.etherpad.org/p/snowdrift. The goal
  takes the form of a prioritized list of pages. The goal needs a lot
  more clarification. Each page still has entirely ad-hoc
  specifications. While there are many questions to answer, I think an
  important one is "Which pages should a particular page link to?". We
  will iterate the design and begin to document these specifications
  as tests.

* Robert (mray) has been creating a design framework[2] for the
  site, replacing the existing ad-hoc, Bootstrap-ish style. It looks
  awesome. :)

* Robert has also been creating new versions[3] of important pages
  using his design framework. He is creating non-interactive versions
  with html and css.

* Jason (JazzyEagle) has taken the lead on wiring up Robert's new
  creations to the data model. There will be a lot of work in this
  area that can be done in parallel. It'll be a great place for anyone
  to help out and make contributions.

* I (Bryan, chreekat) will create fresh skeleton versions of each page
  on the Etherpad document in the next two days. This will be the base
  on which we will iterate the design and specifications of the pages
  in question. These new skeleton pages will go live (!!) asap, so we
  can be agile and stuff. :P But no, seriously, the idea is to show
  visible progress (even if it looks ugly) and provide a sandbox in
  which to work towards alpha.

* I mentioned Jason's area as being one where others can contribute.
  Well, my hope is that Robert's area is also one where others can
  contribute. Part of the reason I want to knock out the skeleton
  version of everything is so that people can say "Oh I'll do that
  page" and build some html/css without having to touch any Haskell at

Ok dang that's all for now. I got some skeletons to shake out. But if
any of this has sparked any thoughts, concerns or questions, please
fire back an email. :)

[1]: SCALE.
[2]: Design framework.
[3]: New pages.

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