> On Apr 30, 2015, at 7:29 AM, Uwe Schindler <uschind...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Kirk, hi Mark,
> the Lucene/Solr/Elasticsearch people still recommend to their users to not 
> use G1GC, although for this type of application (full text search with the 
> requirement for very low response times and no pauses) is a good candidate 
> for G1GC. On the other hand, heap sizes for typical Lucene applications 
> should not be too high, because most of the processing is done on memory 
> mapped files off-heap. So heaps should be at most 1/4 of the physical RAM 
> available, because Lucene relies on the fact that the index files reside in 
> file system cache (too large heaps are contra-productive here).
> See also our recommendations for Apache Solr and Elasticsearch:
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ShawnHeisey#GC_Tuning_for_Solr
> http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/_don_8217_t_touch_these_settings.html
> Currently Lucene's indexing sometimes caused serious data corruption with 
> G1GC - leading to data loss, which was mainly caused by some bugs around G1GC 
> and its use of additional memory barriers and the very close interaction with 
> Hotspot, that seemed to broke some optimizations. We had (only in combination 
> with G1GC during our test suites) simple "assert" statements *sometimes* 
> failing that should never fail unless there is a bug in the JVM.

In fact there was a bug with asserts triggering when they shouldn’t:


> We are aware that Java 8u40 declared G1GC as "production ready", so we are 
> still looking at failures in our extensive testing infrastructure. Indeed, I 
> have no seen any G1GC related problems recently, but that is not necessarily 
> a sign for correctness.
> Uwe
> P.S.: It was nice to meet you last week on JAX!
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> uschind...@apache.org 
> ASF Member, Apache Lucene PMC / Committer
> Bremen, Germany
> http://lucene.apache.org/
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: hotspot-dev [mailto:hotspot-dev-boun...@openjdk.java.net] On
>> Behalf Of Kirk Pepperdine
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 9:11 AM
>> To: hotspot-...@openjdk.java.net Source Developers
>> Subject: Re: JEP 248: Make G1 the Default Garbage Collector
>> Hi all,
>> Is the G1 ready for this? I see many people moving to G1 but also I’m not
>> sure that we’ve got the tunable correct. I’ve been sorting through a number
>> of recent tuning engagements and my  conclusion is that I would like the
>> collector to be aggressive about collecting tenured regions at the beginning
>> of a JVM’s life time but then become less aggressive over time. The reason is
>> the residual waste that I see left behind because certain regions never hit
>> the threshold needed to be included in the CSET. But, on aggregate, the
>> number of regions in this state does start to retain a significant about of 
>> dead
>> data. The only way to see the effects is to run regular Full GCs.. which of
>> course you don’t really want to do. However, the problem seems to settle
>> down a wee bit over time which is why I was thinking that being aggressive
>> about what is collected in the early stages of a JVMs life should lead to 
>> better
>> packing and hence less waste.
>> Note, I don’t really care about the memory waste, only it’s effect on cycle
>> frequencies and pause times.
>> Sorry but I don’t have anything formal about this as I (and I believe many
>> others) are still sorting out what to make of the G1 in prod. Generally the
>> overall results are good but sometimes it’s not that way up front and how to
>> improve things is sometimes challenging.
>> On a side note, the move to Tiered in 8 has also caused a bit of grief.
>> Metaspace has caused a bit of grief and even parallelStream, which works,
>> has come with some interesting side effect. Everyone has been so enamored
>> with Lambdas (rightfully so) that the other stuff has been completely
>> forgotten and some of it has surprised people. I guess I’ll be submitting a 
>> talk
>> for J1 on some of the field experience I’ve had with the other stuff.
>> Regards,
>> Kirk
>> On Apr 28, 2015, at 11:02 PM, mark.reinh...@oracle.com wrote:
>>> New JEP Candidate: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/248
>>> - Mark

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