
No tests ran.

Build Log:
[...truncated 51490 lines...]
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [copy] Copying 431 files to 
     [copy] Copying 239 files to 
     [exec] JAVA7_HOME is /home/jenkins/tools/java/latest1.7
     [exec] NOTE: output encoding is US-ASCII
     [exec] Load release URL 
     [exec] Test Lucene...
     [exec]   test basics...
     [exec]   get KEYS
     [exec]     0.1 MB in 0.01 sec (13.8 MB/sec)
     [exec]   check changes HTML...
     [exec]   download lucene-4.11.0-src.tgz...
     [exec]     27.7 MB in 0.04 sec (660.7 MB/sec)
     [exec]     verify md5/sha1 digests
     [exec]   download lucene-4.11.0.tgz...
     [exec]     62.1 MB in 0.09 sec (672.6 MB/sec)
     [exec]     verify md5/sha1 digests
     [exec]   download
     [exec]     71.9 MB in 0.08 sec (873.8 MB/sec)
     [exec]     verify md5/sha1 digests
     [exec]   unpack lucene-4.11.0.tgz...
     [exec]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
     [exec]     test demo with 1.7...
     [exec]       got 5806 hits for query "lucene"
     [exec]     checkindex with 1.7...
     [exec]     check Lucene's javadoc JAR
     [exec]   unpack
     [exec]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
     [exec]     test demo with 1.7...
     [exec]       got 5806 hits for query "lucene"
     [exec]     checkindex with 1.7...
     [exec]     check Lucene's javadoc JAR
     [exec]   unpack lucene-4.11.0-src.tgz...
     [exec]     make sure no JARs/WARs in src dist...
     [exec]     run "ant validate"
     [exec]     run tests w/ Java 7 and testArgs='-Dtests.jettyConnector=Socket 
     [exec]     test demo with 1.7...
     [exec]       got 260 hits for query "lucene"
     [exec]     checkindex with 1.7...
     [exec]     generate javadocs w/ Java 7...
     [exec] Crawl/parse...
     [exec] Verify...
     [exec] Test Solr...
     [exec]   test basics...
     [exec]   get KEYS
     [exec]     0.1 MB in 0.00 sec (65.6 MB/sec)
     [exec]   check changes HTML...
     [exec]   download solr-4.11.0-src.tgz...
     [exec]     33.8 MB in 0.34 sec (99.1 MB/sec)
     [exec]     verify md5/sha1 digests
     [exec]   download solr-4.11.0.tgz...
     [exec]     147.0 MB in 0.51 sec (290.8 MB/sec)
     [exec]     verify md5/sha1 digests
     [exec]   download
     [exec]     152.7 MB in 0.17 sec (900.4 MB/sec)
     [exec]     verify md5/sha1 digests
     [exec]   unpack solr-4.11.0.tgz...
     [exec]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
     [exec]     unpack lucene-4.11.0.tgz...
     [exec]       **WARNING**: skipping check of 
 it has javax.* classes
     [exec]       **WARNING**: skipping check of 
 it has javax.* classes
     [exec]     verify WAR metadata/contained JAR identity/no javax.* or java.* 
     [exec]     unpack lucene-4.11.0.tgz...
     [exec]     copying unpacked distribution for Java 7 ...
     [exec]     test solr example w/ Java 7...
     [exec]       start Solr instance 
     [exec]       startup done
     [exec]       test utf8...
     [exec]       index example docs...
     [exec]       run query...
     [exec]       stop server (SIGINT)...
     [exec]   unpack
     [exec]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
     [exec]     unpack lucene-4.11.0.tgz...
     [exec]       **WARNING**: skipping check of 
 it has javax.* classes
     [exec]       **WARNING**: skipping check of 
 it has javax.* classes
     [exec]     verify WAR metadata/contained JAR identity/no javax.* or java.* 
     [exec]     unpack lucene-4.11.0.tgz...
     [exec]     copying unpacked distribution for Java 7 ...
     [exec]     test solr example w/ Java 7...
     [exec]       start Solr instance 
     [exec]       startup done
     [exec]       test utf8...
     [exec]       index example docs...
     [exec]       run query...
     [exec]       stop server (SIGINT)...
     [exec]   unpack solr-4.11.0-src.tgz...
     [exec]     make sure no JARs/WARs in src dist...
     [exec]     run "ant validate"
     [exec]     run tests w/ Java 7 and testArgs='-Dtests.jettyConnector=Socket 
     [exec] command "export JAVA_HOME="/home/jenkins/tools/java/latest1.7" 
JAVACMD="/home/jenkins/tools/java/latest1.7/bin/java"; ant clean test 
-Dtests.slow=false -Dtests.jettyConnector=Socket -Dtests.disableHdfs=true" 
     [exec] Buildfile: 
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr...
     [exec] clean:
     [exec]    [delete] Deleting directory 
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: Apache Ivy 2.3.0 - 20130110142753 :: ::
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve-groovy:
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: resolving dependencies :: 
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath]     confs: [default]
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath]     found org.codehaus.groovy#groovy-all;2.3.1 in 
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: resolution report :: resolve 138ms :: artifacts 
dl 3ms
     [exec]     |                  |            modules            ||   
artifacts   |
     [exec]     |       conf       | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| 
     [exec]     |      default     |   1   |   0   |   0   |   0   ||   1   |   
0   |
     [exec] -init-totals:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] test-solr-core:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-core...
     [exec] test:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-core...
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-core...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] check-analyzers-icu-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-icu:
     [exec] -compile-analysis-extras:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-analysis-extras...
     [exec] check-analyzers-icu-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-icu:
     [exec] compile-solr-core:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-core...
     [exec] compile-solrj:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-solrj...
     [exec] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-lucene-core:
     [exec] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
     [exec] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
     [exec] check-codecs-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-codecs:
     [exec] check-expressions-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-expressions:
     [exec] check-suggest-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-suggest:
     [exec] check-highlighter-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-highlighter:
     [exec] check-memory-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-memory:
     [exec] check-misc-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-misc:
     [exec] check-spatial-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-spatial:
     [exec] check-grouping-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-grouping:
     [exec] check-queries-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queries:
     [exec] check-queryparser-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queryparser:
     [exec] check-join-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-join:
     [exec] prep-lucene-jars:
     [exec] resolve-example:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] sync-hack:
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-solrj...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [exec]     [javac] Compiling 146 source files to 
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe 
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-lucene-core:
     [exec] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
     [exec] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
     [exec] check-codecs-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-codecs:
     [exec] check-expressions-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-expressions:
     [exec] check-suggest-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-suggest:
     [exec] check-highlighter-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-highlighter:
     [exec] check-memory-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-memory:
     [exec] check-misc-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-misc:
     [exec] check-spatial-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-spatial:
     [exec] check-grouping-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-grouping:
     [exec] check-queries-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queries:
     [exec] check-queryparser-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queryparser:
     [exec] check-join-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-join:
     [exec] prep-lucene-jars:
     [exec] resolve-example:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] sync-hack:
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-core...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [exec]     [javac] Compiling 680 source files to 
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe 
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
     [exec] common-solr.compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] compile-solrj:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-solrj...
     [exec] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-lucene-core:
     [exec] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
     [exec] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
     [exec] check-codecs-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-codecs:
     [exec] check-expressions-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-expressions:
     [exec] check-suggest-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-suggest:
     [exec] check-highlighter-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-highlighter:
     [exec] check-memory-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-memory:
     [exec] check-misc-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-misc:
     [exec] check-spatial-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-spatial:
     [exec] check-grouping-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-grouping:
     [exec] check-queries-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queries:
     [exec] check-queryparser-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queryparser:
     [exec] check-join-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-join:
     [exec] prep-lucene-jars:
     [exec] resolve-example:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] sync-hack:
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-solrj...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-lucene-core:
     [exec] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
     [exec] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
     [exec] check-codecs-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-codecs:
     [exec] check-expressions-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-expressions:
     [exec] check-suggest-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-suggest:
     [exec] check-highlighter-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-highlighter:
     [exec] check-memory-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-memory:
     [exec] check-misc-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-misc:
     [exec] check-spatial-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-spatial:
     [exec] check-grouping-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-grouping:
     [exec] check-queries-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queries:
     [exec] check-queryparser-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queryparser:
     [exec] check-join-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-join:
     [exec] prep-lucene-jars:
     [exec] resolve-example:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] sync-hack:
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-analysis-extras...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [exec]     [javac] Compiling 1 source file to 
     [exec]     [javac] Note: 
 uses or overrides a deprecated API.
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
     [exec] common-solr.compile-core:
     [exec] solr-contrib-build.compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] compile:
     [exec] compile-solr-test-framework:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-test-framework...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-test-framework...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] compile-solr-core:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-core...
     [exec] compile-solrj:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-solrj...
     [exec] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-lucene-core:
     [exec] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
     [exec] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
     [exec] check-codecs-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-codecs:
     [exec] check-expressions-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-expressions:
     [exec] check-suggest-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-suggest:
     [exec] check-highlighter-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-highlighter:
     [exec] check-memory-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-memory:
     [exec] check-misc-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-misc:
     [exec] check-spatial-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-spatial:
     [exec] check-grouping-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-grouping:
     [exec] check-queries-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queries:
     [exec] check-queryparser-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queryparser:
     [exec] check-join-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-join:
     [exec] prep-lucene-jars:
     [exec] resolve-example:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] sync-hack:
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-solrj...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-lucene-core:
     [exec] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
     [exec] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
     [exec] check-codecs-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-codecs:
     [exec] check-expressions-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-expressions:
     [exec] check-suggest-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-suggest:
     [exec] check-highlighter-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-highlighter:
     [exec] check-memory-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-memory:
     [exec] check-misc-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-misc:
     [exec] check-spatial-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-spatial:
     [exec] check-grouping-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-grouping:
     [exec] check-queries-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queries:
     [exec] check-queryparser-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queryparser:
     [exec] check-join-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-join:
     [exec] prep-lucene-jars:
     [exec] resolve-example:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] sync-hack:
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-core...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec] common-solr.compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] compile-test-framework:
     [exec] compile-test-framework:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] compile-codecs:
     [exec]      [echo] Building codecs...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building codecs...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [exec]     [javac] Compiling 35 source files to 
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe 
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
     [exec] compile-solrj:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-solrj...
     [exec] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-lucene-core:
     [exec] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
     [exec] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
     [exec] check-codecs-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-codecs:
     [exec] check-expressions-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-expressions:
     [exec] check-suggest-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-suggest:
     [exec] check-highlighter-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-highlighter:
     [exec] check-memory-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-memory:
     [exec] check-misc-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-misc:
     [exec] check-spatial-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-spatial:
     [exec] check-grouping-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-grouping:
     [exec] check-queries-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queries:
     [exec] check-queryparser-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queryparser:
     [exec] check-join-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-join:
     [exec] prep-lucene-jars:
     [exec] resolve-example:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] sync-hack:
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-solrj...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-lucene-core:
     [exec] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
     [exec] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
     [exec] check-codecs-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-codecs:
     [exec] check-expressions-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-expressions:
     [exec] check-suggest-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-suggest:
     [exec] check-highlighter-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-highlighter:
     [exec] check-memory-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-memory:
     [exec] check-misc-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-misc:
     [exec] check-spatial-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-spatial:
     [exec] check-grouping-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-grouping:
     [exec] check-queries-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queries:
     [exec] check-queryparser-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-queryparser:
     [exec] check-join-uptodate:
     [exec] jar-join:
     [exec] prep-lucene-jars:
     [exec] resolve-example:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] sync-hack:
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building solr-example-DIH...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec] common-solr.compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] compile-test-framework:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] compile-codecs:
     [exec]      [echo] Building codecs...
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec]      [echo] Building codecs...
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] common.init:
     [exec] compile-lucene-core:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] -clover.disable:
     [exec] -clover.load:
     [exec] -clover.classpath:
     [exec] -clover.setup:
     [exec] clover:
     [exec] common.compile-core:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] common.compile-test:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [exec]     [javac] Compiling 459 source files to 
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe 
     [exec]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
     [exec]      [copy] Copying 1 file to 
     [exec] common-solr.compile-test:
     [exec] compile-test:
     [exec] install-junit4-taskdef:
     [exec] compile-tools:
     [exec] ivy-availability-check:
     [exec] ivy-fail:
     [exec] ivy-configure:
     [exec] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
     [exec] resolve:
     [exec] init:
     [exec] compile-core:
     [exec] validate:
     [exec] resolve-groovy:
     [exec] -init-totals:
     [exec] -test:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [exec]    [junit4] <JUnit4> says kaixo! Master seed: 21CB38540781EB39
     [exec]    [junit4] Your default console's encoding may not display certain 
unicode glyphs: US-ASCII
     [exec]    [junit4] Executing 422 suites with 4 JVMs.
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Started J1 PID(
     [exec]    [junit4] Started J3 PID(
     [exec]    [junit4] Started J0 PID(
     [exec]    [junit4] Started J2 PID(
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.15s J1 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 2.92s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 9.32s, 3 tests, 3 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 39.73s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.15s J3 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.27s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | LeaderElectionTest.testStressElection
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | LeaderElectionTest.testCancelElection
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | LeaderElectionTest.testBasic
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | LeaderElectionTest.testElection
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.03s, 5 tests, 5 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J3 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 31.65s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.14s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrRequestParserTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 39.83s, 10 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J1 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J1 | ShardSplitTest.testDistribSearch
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J1 | HttpPartitionTest.testDistribSearch
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 10.16s, 3 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.servlet.CacheHeaderTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 50.15s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.14s J0 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.28s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 7.88s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 6.30s, 13 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.SynonymTokenizerTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.66s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 10.11s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 20.18s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.TestOmitPositions
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 4.18s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 4.26s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 16.72s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J3 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J3 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.04s, 2 tests, 2 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.MultiTermTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 1.72s, 3 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 11.95s, 7 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.TestUpdate
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 2.88s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.handler.TestCSVLoader
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 5.58s, 6 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 1.57s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 4.23s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.04s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 4.36s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.DocValuesMultiTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 2.68s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.core.TestNRTOpen
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 4.17s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 4.98s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 3.01s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 16.77s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 1.26s, 3 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 5.33s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 5.46s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 2.23s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.internal.csv.CharBufferTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.06s, 13 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 2.12s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 2.56s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 5.39s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | ZkControllerTest.testReadConfigName
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | ZkControllerTest.testGetHostName
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | ZkControllerTest.testUploadToCloud
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 0.03s, 4 tests, 4 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.88s, 7 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 2.12s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.util.CircularListTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.03s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 1.63s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.analysis.TestCharFilters
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 1.22s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 1.45s, 3 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 2.76s, 3 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.core.TestLazyCores
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 13.37s, 8 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 2.17s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.ChangedSchemaMergeTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 1.25s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 0.22s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 2.06s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.request.JSONWriterTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 2.75s, 3 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 3.24s, 14 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 5.83s, 7 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 9.41s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.TestExceedMaxTermLength
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 2.04s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 6.86s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 2.27s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | OverseerRolesTest.testDistribSearch
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 5.43s, 18 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.SuggesterTSTTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 4.61s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 14.18s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.response.TestCSVResponseWriter
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 3.59s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 2.60s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 1.99s, 8 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 2.09s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 16.05s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.66s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 2.27s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.DateFieldTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.04s, 8 tests, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 1.69s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.core.SolrCoreTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 13.18s, 6 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.TestCloudSchemaless
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | TestCloudSchemaless.testDistribSearch
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 6.79s, 7 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.TestAtomicUpdateErrorCases
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 2.77s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 0.07s, 10 tests, 10 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 2.31s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 26.55s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 1.00s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.AnalysisAfterCoreReloadTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 3.91s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.AnalysisErrorHandlingTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 0.68s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 1.27s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 2.33s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 3.05s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 2.49s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.SoftAutoCommitTest
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.02s, 3 tests, 3 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.CopyFieldTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 1.72s, 9 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 1.19s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 3.48s, 6 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.05s, 3 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 2.27s, 19 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.TestBinaryField
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 6.70s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.TestCollationField
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 0.84s, 8 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 5.47s, 3 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.TestIndexingPerformance
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 2.54s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.handler.TestReplicationHandler
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | TestReplicationHandler.testNoWriter
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | TestReplicationHandler.doTestStopPoll
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | TestReplicationHandler.doTestDetails
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | TestReplicationHandler.doTestRepeater
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.12s, 13 tests, 13 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.core.RAMDirectoryFactoryTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.04s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 5.84s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 1.31s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 6.14s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.core.TestXIncludeConfig
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 1.11s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.internal.csv.CSVParserTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.03s, 23 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.ConvertedLegacyTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 4.12s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.TestManagedSchema
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 18.76s, 14 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.core.TestSolrXmlPersistence
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 8.67s, 8 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.request.TestWriterPerf
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 2.04s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.highlight.HighlighterTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 5.65s, 31 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.90s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 1.38s, 13 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 63.12s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 3.47s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 1.49s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.EchoParamsTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.63s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.core.TestSolrIndexConfig
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 1.52s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.02s J2 | TestSolr4Spatial.solr4OldShapeSyntax 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: Mostly just valid for prefix-tree
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J2 | TestSolr4Spatial.testSortMultiVal 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: Multivalue not supported for this 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 9.40s, 32 tests, 2 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.core.QueryResultKeyTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.51s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.BadIndexSchemaTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 4.41s, 17 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.internal.csv.writer.CSVConfigTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.06s, 7 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.request.TestRemoteStreaming
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 6.71s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 2.99s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.BadCopyFieldTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.63s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 5.98s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.core.TestCoreContainer
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 20.40s, 9 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 2.67s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 6.40s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 6.37s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.PolyFieldTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 2.18s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.HardAutoCommitTest
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J2 | HardAutoCommitTest.testCommitWithin
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 0.00s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> Creating dataDir: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184324 T307 oas.SolrTestCaseJ4.setUp ###Starting 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184360 T307 oejs.Server.doStart 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184363 T307 oejs.AbstractConnector.doStart Started 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184364 T307 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184364 T307 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome 
JNDI not configured for solr (NoInitialContextEx)
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184364 T307 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome 
using system property solr.solr.home: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184365 T307 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184415 T307 oasc.ConfigSolr.fromFile Loading 
container configuration from 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184502 T307 oasc.CoreContainer.<init> New 
CoreContainer 1001314963
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184502 T307 oasc.CoreContainer.load Loading cores 
into CoreContainer 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184503 T307 
oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter Setting socketTimeout to: 90000
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184504 T307 
oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter Setting urlScheme to: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184504 T307 
oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter Setting connTimeout to: 15000
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184504 T307 
oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter Setting maxConnectionsPerHost to: 20
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184504 T307 
oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter Setting corePoolSize to: 0
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184505 T307 
oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter Setting maximumPoolSize to: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184505 T307 
oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter Setting maxThreadIdleTime to: 5
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184505 T307 
oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter Setting sizeOfQueue to: -1
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184505 T307 
oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter Setting fairnessPolicy to: false
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184506 T307 oasu.UpdateShardHandler.<init> 
Creating UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with params: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184506 T307 oasl.LogWatcher.createWatcher SLF4J 
impl is org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184507 T307 
oasl.LogWatcher.newRegisteredLogWatcher Registering Log Listener [Log4j 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184507 T307 oasc.CoreContainer.load Host Name:
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184512 T317 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184553 T317 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Using Lucene 
MatchVersion: 4.11.0
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184590 T317 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Loaded 
SolrConfig: solrconfig.xml
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184590 T317 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema Reading 
Solr Schema from schema.xml
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184597 T317 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema 
[collection1] Schema name=test
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184618 T317 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema unique key 
field: id
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184619 T317 oasc.CoreContainer.create Creating 
SolrCore 'collection1' using configuration from instancedir 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184619 T317 oasc.SolrCore.initDirectoryFactory 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184620 T317 oasc.SolrCore.<init> [collection1] 
Opening new SolrCore at 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184620 T317 oasc.SolrCore.<init> JMX monitoring 
not detected for core: collection1
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184620 T317 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get 
return new directory for 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184620 T317 oasc.SolrCore.getNewIndexDir New index 
directory detected: old=null 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184621 T317 oasc.SolrCore.initIndex WARN 
[collection1] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184621 T317 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get 
return new directory for 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184621 T317 oasu.RandomMergePolicy.<init> 
RandomMergePolicy wrapping class org.apache.lucene.index.LogDocMergePolicy: 
[LogDocMergePolicy: minMergeSize=1000, mergeFactor=35, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=true, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184622 T317 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit 
SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
     [exec]    [junit4]   2>            
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184622 T317 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.updateCommits 
newest commit generation = 1
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184623 T317 
oasc.SolrCore.loadUpdateProcessorChains no updateRequestProcessorChain defined 
as default, creating implicit default
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184624 T317 
oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig created /update: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184624 T317 
oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig created /update/json: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184624 T317 
oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig created /update/csv: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184624 T317 
oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig created /update/json/docs: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184625 T317 
oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig created standard: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184723 T317 
oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig created /replication: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184724 T317 
oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig WARN Multiple requestHandler 
registered to the same name: /update ignoring: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184724 T317 
oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig created /update: 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184748 T317 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
     [exec]    [junit4]   2> 184749 T317 oashl.XMLL

[...truncated too long message...]

     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 2 tests, 2 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.DocValuesMissingTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.03s, 58 tests, 58 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.EnumFieldTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 6 tests, 6 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.TestCloudManagedSchema
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.00s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J3 | 
     [exec]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.00s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 6.36s, 3 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.03s, 1 test
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.util.TimeZoneUtilsTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 0.13s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.00s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 2 tests, 2 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandlerTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 5.34s, 6 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 16 tests, 16 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 9 tests, 9 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.servlet.ResponseHeaderTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 5 tests, 5 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.00s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 1.56s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.AddBlockUpdateTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 6 tests, 6 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 3.92s, 4 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 6 tests, 6 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 5 tests, 5 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.02s, 33 tests, 33 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.00s, 1 test, 1 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.util.TestRandomMergePolicy
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J3 in 0.01s, 2 tests, 2 skipped
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.CursorPagingTest
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J2 in 23.87s, 5 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite: 
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J0 in 4.80s, 6 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Suite:
     [exec]    [junit4] Completed on J1 in 15.83s, 2 tests
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] Tests with failures:
     [exec]    [junit4]   - 
org.apache.solr.handler.TestReplicationHandlerBackup (suite)
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] 
     [exec]    [junit4] JVM J0:     2.80 ..   278.79 =   275.99s
     [exec]    [junit4] JVM J1:     2.58 ..   289.31 =   286.73s
     [exec]    [junit4] JVM J2:     2.80 ..   276.89 =   274.10s
     [exec]    [junit4] JVM J3:     2.58 ..   274.88 =   272.30s
     [exec]    [junit4] Execution time total: 4 minutes 49 seconds
     [exec]    [junit4] Tests summary: 422 suites, 1748 tests, 2 suite-level 
errors, 983 ignored (130 assumptions)
     [exec] BUILD FAILED
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 There were test failures: 422 suites, 1748 tests, 2 suite-level errors, 983 
ignored (130 assumptions)
     [exec] Total time: 5 minutes 22 seconds
     [exec] Traceback (most recent call last):
     [exec]   File 
 line 1365, in <module>
     [exec]     main()
     [exec]   File 
 line 1310, in main
     [exec]     smokeTest(c.url, c.revision, c.version, c.tmp_dir, c.is_signed, 
' '.join(c.test_args))
     [exec]   File 
 line 1355, in smokeTest
     [exec]     unpackAndVerify('solr', tmpDir, 'solr-%s-src.tgz' % version, 
svnRevision, version, testArgs, baseURL)
     [exec]   File 
 line 639, in unpackAndVerify
     [exec]     verifyUnpacked(project, artifact, unpackPath, svnRevision, 
version, testArgs, tmpDir, baseURL)
     [exec]   File 
 line 746, in verifyUnpacked
     [exec]     run('%s; ant clean test -Dtests.slow=false %s' % 
(javaExe('1.7'), testArgs), '%s/test.log' % unpackPath)
     [exec]   File 
 line 564, in run
     [exec]     raise RuntimeError('command "%s" failed; see log file %s' % 
(command, logPath))
     [exec] RuntimeError: command "export 
JAVACMD="/home/jenkins/tools/java/latest1.7/bin/java"; ant clean test 
-Dtests.slow=false -Dtests.jettyConnector=Socket -Dtests.disableHdfs=true" 
failed; see log file 

 exec returned: 1

Total time: 53 minutes 29 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Email was triggered for: Failure
Sending email for trigger: Failure

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