Java: 64bit/jdk-11.0.3 -XX:-UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseSerialGC

1 tests failed.
FAILED:  org.apache.solr.handler.admin.TestApiFramework.testFramework

Error Message:
incorrect value for path /spec[0]/methods[0] in :{   "spec":[     {       
       "description":"List all available collections and their properties.",    
   "methods":["GET"],       "url":{"paths":[           "/collections",          
 "/c"]}},     {       
       "description":"Create collections and collection aliases, backup or 
restore collections, and delete collections and aliases.",       
"methods":["POST"],       "url":{"paths":[           "/collections",           
"/c"]},       "commands":{         "create":{           "type":"object",        
           "description":"Create a collection.",           "properties":{       
      "name":{               "type":"string",               "description":"The 
name of the collection to be created."},             "config":{               
"type":"string",               "description":"The name of the configuration set 
(which must already be stored in ZooKeeper) to use for this collection. If not 
provided, Solr will default to the collection name as the configuration set 
name."},             "router":{               "type":"object",               
               "description":"These properties define how to distribute 
documents across a collection's shards.",               "properties":{          
       "name":{                   "type":"string",                   "enum":[   
                  "implicit",                     "compositeId"],               
    "description":"The router implementation to use for this collection. There 
are two options: compositeId or implicit. The compositeId option has Solr 
decide how to distribute documents (with some possibilities for customization). 
The implicit option requires you define your own routing strategy, and puts the 
balancing of documents in shards entirely in your hands.",                   
"default":"compositeId"},                 "field":{                   
"type":"string",                   "description":"A field to be used by Solr to 
identify the shard a document should be routed to. By default, the field 
defined as the unique ID for each document is used, but an alternative field 
can be defined with this parameter."}}},             "numShards":{              
 "type":"integer",               "description":"The number of shards to be 
created as part of the collection. Shards are logical partitions of a single 
collection. Each shard has at least one replica, but more replicas for each 
shard can be defined with the replicationFactor property. This is a required 
parameter when using the 'compositeId' router."},             "shards":{        
       "type":"string",               "description":"A comma-separated list of 
shard names, e.g., shard-x,shard-y,shard-z. This is a required parameter when 
using the 'implicit' router."},             "replicationFactor":{               
"type":"integer",               "description":"The number of NRT replicas to be 
created for each shard. Replicas are physical copies of each shard, acting as 
failover for the shard."},             "nrtReplicas":{               
"type":"integer",               "description":"The number of NRT replicas to be 
created for each shard. Replicas are physical copies of each shard, acting as 
failover for the shard. Replicas of type NRT will be updated with each document 
that is added to the cluster, and can use \"softCommits\" to get a new view of 
the index in Near Real Time. This parameter works in the same way as 
'replicationFactor'"},             "tlogReplicas":{               
"type":"integer",               "description":"The number of TLOG replicas to 
be created for each shard. TLOG replicas update their transaction log for every 
update to the cluster, but only the shard leader updates the local index, other 
TLOG replicas will use segment replication and copy the latest index files from 
the leader."},             "pullReplicas":{               "type":"integer",     
          "description":"The number of PULL replicas to be created for each 
shard. PULL replicas don't receive copies of the documents on update requests, 
they just replicate the latest segments periodically from the shard leader. 
PULL replicas can't become shard leaders, and need at least one active 
TLOG(recommended) or NRT replicas in the shard to replicate from."},            
 "nodeSet":{               "type":"array",               
"items":{"type":"string"},               "description":"Defines nodes to spread 
the new collection across. If not provided, the collection will be spread 
across all live Solr nodes. The names to use are the 'node_name', which can be 
found by a request to the cluster/nodes endpoint. A special value of EMPTY will 
create no shards or replicas for the new collection. In this case, shards and 
replicas can be added later with the add-replica command available on the 
/collections/{collection}/shards endpoint."},             "shuffleNodes":{      
         "type":"boolean",               "description":"Controls whether or not 
the shard-replicas created for this collection will be assigned to the nodes 
specified by the nodeSet property in a sequential manner, or if the list of 
nodes should be shuffled prior to creating individual replicas. A 'false' value 
makes the results of a collection creation predictable and gives more exact 
control over the location of the individual shard-replicas, but 'true' can be a 
better choice for ensuring replicas are distributed evenly across nodes. This 
property is ignored if nodeSet is not also specified."},             
"maxShardsPerNode":{               "type":"integer",               
"description":"When creating collections, the shards and/or replicas are spread 
across all available, live, nodes, and two replicas of the same shard will 
never be on the same node. If a node is not live when the collection is 
created, it will not get any parts of the new collection, which could lead to 
too many replicas being created on a single live node. Defining 
maxShardsPerNode sets a limit on the number of replicas can be spread to each 
node. If the entire collection can not be fit into the live nodes, no 
collection will be created at all."},             "autoAddReplicas":{           
    "type":"boolean",               "description":"When set to true, enables 
auto addition of replicas when the number of active replicas falls below the 
value set for replicationFactor.",               
               "default":"false"},             "rule":{               
               "description":"Defines rules for where replicas should be 
located in a cluster.",               "items":{"type":"string"}},             
"snitch":{               "type":"array",               
               "description":"",               "items":{"type":"string"}},      
       "policy":{               "type":"string",               
               "description":"Name of the collection-level policy"},            
 "properties":{               "type":"object",               
               "description":"Allows adding for the collection. 
Some examples of core properties you may want to modify include the config set, 
the node name, the data directory, among others.",               
"additionalProperties":true},             "async":{               
"type":"string",               "description":"Defines a request ID that can be 
used to track this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
asynchronously."},             "waitForFinalState":{               
"type":"boolean",               "description":"If true then request will 
complete only when all affected replicas become active.",               
"default":false}},           "required":["name"]},         "create-alias":{     
           "description":"Allows one or more collections to be known by another 
name (to include time partitioned collections). If this command is used on an 
existing alias, the existing alias will be replaced with the new collection 
details.",           "type":"object",           "properties":{             
"name":{               "type":"string",               "description":"The alias 
name to be created."},             "collections":{               
"type":"array",               "description":"The list of collections to be 
known as this alias. Incompatible with any of the routing parameters. Either 
this parameter or a complete set of routing parameters is required.",           
    "items":{"type":"string"}},             "router":{               
               "description":"Routing specific properties to define a time 
routed alias.  Do not specify 'collections' when creating a time routed 
alias.",               "properties":{                 "name":{                  
 "type":"string",                   "description":"The type of routing to 
perform. Currently only 'time' is supported, and it's required."},              
   "field":{                   "type":"string",                   
"description":"The date field name in incoming documents that is consulted to 
decide which collection the document should be routed to."},                 
"start":{                   "type":"string",                   
"description":"The earliest date/time in a document that may be indexed into 
this alias. Documents with values less than this will return an error. For time 
based routing this may be a date math expression."},                 
"interval":{                   "type":"string",                   
"description":"A specification of the width of the interval for each partition 
collection. For time based routing this should be a date math expression 
fragment starting with the + character."},                 "maxFutureMs":{      
             "type":"integer",                   "description":"How many 
milliseconds into the future to accept document. Documents with a value in 
router.field that is greater than now() + maxFutureMs will be rejected to avoid 
provisioning too much resources."},                 "preemptiveCreateMath":{    
               "type":"string",                   "description":"If a document 
arrives with a timestamp that is after the end time of the most recent 
collection minus this interval, then the next collection will be created 
asynchronously. Without this setting, collections are created synchronously 
when required by the document time stamp and thus block the flow of documents 
until the collection is created (possibly several seconds). Preemptive creation 
reduces these hiccups. If set to enough time (perhaps an hour or more) then if 
there are problems creating a collection, this window of time might be enough 
to take corrective action. However after a successful preemptive creation,  the 
collection is consuming resources without being used, and new documents will 
tend to be routed through it only to be routed elsewhere. Also, note that 
router.autoDeleteAge is currently evaluated relative to the date of a newly 
created collection, and so you may want to increase the delete age by the 
preemptive window amount so that the oldest collection isn't deleted too 
soon."},                 "autoDeleteAge":{                   "type":"string",   
                "description":"A date math expressions yielding a time in the 
past. Collections covering a period of time entirely before this age will be 
automatically deleted."},                 "maxCardinality":{                   
"type":"integer",                   "description":"The maximum number of 
categories allowed for this alias."},                 "mustMatch":{             
      "type":"string",                   "description":"A regular expression 
that the value of the field specified by `router.field` must match before a 
corresponding collection will be created."},                 "routerList":{     
              "type":"array",                   "description":"A list of router 
property sets to be used with router type Dimensional[foo,bar] where foo and 
bar are valid router type names (i.e. time or category). The order must 
correspond to the type specification in [] in the Dimensional type, so 
Dimensional[category,time] would require the first set of router properties to 
be valid for a category routed alias, and the second set to be valid for a time 
routed alias. In these sets of properties, will be ignored in favor 
of the type specified in the top level Dimensional[]",              
     "items":{                     "type":"object",                     
"additionalProperties":true}}}},             "TZ":{               
"type":"string",               "description":"Optional timezone for use with 
any date math that may exist in other parameters.  Defaults to UTC."},          
   "create-collection":{               "type":"object",               
               "description":"The settings to use to create a collection for 
each new time partition. Most options from the collection create command are 
available, except for 'name', 'async' and 'waitForFinalState'.",               
"additionalProperties":true},             "async":{               
"type":"string",               "description":"Defines a request ID that can be 
used to track this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
asynchronously."}},           "required":["name"]},         "delete-alias":{    
           "description":"Deletes a collection alias",           
"type":"object",           "properties":{             "name":{               
"type":"string",               "description":"The name of the alias to 
delete."},             "async":{               "type":"string",               
"description":"Defines a request ID that can be used to track this action after 
it's submitted. The action will be processed asynchronously."}},           
"required":["name"]},         "set-alias-property":{           
           "description":"Allows changing the properties on an alias. If a key 
is set with an empty string then it will be removed",           
"type":"object",           "properties":{             "name":{               
"type":"string",               "description":"The alias name on which to set 
properties."},             "properties":{               "type":"object",        
       "description":"A map of key/value pairs that will be associated with the 
alias as alias properties (metadata). An empty value will delete any existing 
value for a given key.",               "additionalProperties":true},            
 "async":{               "type":"string",               "description":"Defines 
a request ID that can be used to track this action after it's submitted. The 
action will be processed asynchronously."}},           "required":["name"]},    
           "description":"Backup Solr indexes and configurations for a specific 
collection. One copy of the indexes will be taken from each shard, and the 
config set for the collection will also be copied.",           "type":"object", 
          "properties":{             "collection":{               
"type":"string",               "description":"The name of the collection to 
back up."},             "name":{               "type":"string",               
"description":"The name of the backup."},             "location":{              
 "type":"string",               "description":"A location on a shared drive for 
the backup-collection command to write to. Alternately, it can be set as a 
cluster property with the cluster endpoint, which also supports setting a 
location."},             "async":{               "type":"string",               
"description":"Defines a request ID that can be used to track this action after 
it's submitted. The action will be processed asynchronously."}},           
"required":[             "collection",             "name",             
"location"]},         "restore-collection":{           
           "description":"Restore Solr indexes and configurations from a 
backup. You cannot restore into the same collection you took the backup from. 
The target collection must not exist before calling this command, as it will be 
created by the restore action. The new collection will have the same number of 
shards and replicas as the original collection, and all routing strategies will 
be retained.",           "type":"object",           "properties":{             
"collection":{               "type":"string",               "description":"The 
name of the collection the backup will be restored to. This collection must not 
exist prior to this "},             "name":{               "type":"string",     
          "description":"The name of the backup file."},             
"location":{               "type":"string",               "description":"The 
location on the shared drive for the restore-collection command to read from. 
Alternately, it can be set as a cluster property with the cluster endpoint, 
which also supports setting a location."},             "async":{               
"type":"string",               "description":"Defines a request ID that can be 
used to track this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
asynchronously."}},           "required":[             "collection",            
 "name",             "location"]}}},     {       
       "description":"Deletes a collection.",       "methods":["DELETE"],       
"url":{"paths":[           "/collections/{collection}",           
"/c/{collection}"]}}],   "WARNING":"This response format is experimental.  It 
is likely to change in the future.",   "availableSubPaths":{     
"/collections/{collection}/shards":[       "POST",       "GET"],     
"/collections/{collection}/shards/{shard}/{replica}":[       "DELETE",       
"GET"],     "/collections/{collection}":[       "DELETE",       "POST",       
"GET"],     "/collections/{collection}/shards/{shard}":[       "DELETE",       
"POST",       "GET"]}} expected:<[DELETE]> but was:<[GET]>

Stack Trace:
org.junit.ComparisonFailure: incorrect value for path /spec[0]/methods[0] in :{
      "description":"List all available collections and their properties.",
      "description":"Create collections and collection aliases, backup or 
restore collections, and delete collections and aliases.",
          "description":"Create a collection.",
              "description":"The name of the collection to be created."},
              "description":"The name of the configuration set (which must 
already be stored in ZooKeeper) to use for this collection. If not provided, 
Solr will default to the collection name as the configuration set name."},
              "description":"These properties define how to distribute 
documents across a collection's shards.",
                  "description":"The router implementation to use for this 
collection. There are two options: compositeId or implicit. The compositeId 
option has Solr decide how to distribute documents (with some possibilities for 
customization). The implicit option requires you define your own routing 
strategy, and puts the balancing of documents in shards entirely in your 
                  "description":"A field to be used by Solr to identify the 
shard a document should be routed to. By default, the field defined as the 
unique ID for each document is used, but an alternative field can be defined 
with this parameter."}}},
              "description":"The number of shards to be created as part of the 
collection. Shards are logical partitions of a single collection. Each shard 
has at least one replica, but more replicas for each shard can be defined with 
the replicationFactor property. This is a required parameter when using the 
'compositeId' router."},
              "description":"A comma-separated list of shard names, e.g., 
shard-x,shard-y,shard-z. This is a required parameter when using the 'implicit' 
              "description":"The number of NRT replicas to be created for each 
shard. Replicas are physical copies of each shard, acting as failover for the 
              "description":"The number of NRT replicas to be created for each 
shard. Replicas are physical copies of each shard, acting as failover for the 
shard. Replicas of type NRT will be updated with each document that is added to 
the cluster, and can use \"softCommits\" to get a new view of the index in Near 
Real Time. This parameter works in the same way as 'replicationFactor'"},
              "description":"The number of TLOG replicas to be created for each 
shard. TLOG replicas update their transaction log for every update to the 
cluster, but only the shard leader updates the local index, other TLOG replicas 
will use segment replication and copy the latest index files from the leader."},
              "description":"The number of PULL replicas to be created for each 
shard. PULL replicas don't receive copies of the documents on update requests, 
they just replicate the latest segments periodically from the shard leader. 
PULL replicas can't become shard leaders, and need at least one active 
TLOG(recommended) or NRT replicas in the shard to replicate from."},
              "description":"Defines nodes to spread the new collection across. 
If not provided, the collection will be spread across all live Solr nodes. The 
names to use are the 'node_name', which can be found by a request to the 
cluster/nodes endpoint. A special value of EMPTY will create no shards or 
replicas for the new collection. In this case, shards and replicas can be added 
later with the add-replica command available on the 
/collections/{collection}/shards endpoint."},
              "description":"Controls whether or not the shard-replicas created 
for this collection will be assigned to the nodes specified by the nodeSet 
property in a sequential manner, or if the list of nodes should be shuffled 
prior to creating individual replicas. A 'false' value makes the results of a 
collection creation predictable and gives more exact control over the location 
of the individual shard-replicas, but 'true' can be a better choice for 
ensuring replicas are distributed evenly across nodes. This property is ignored 
if nodeSet is not also specified."},
              "description":"When creating collections, the shards and/or 
replicas are spread across all available, live, nodes, and two replicas of the 
same shard will never be on the same node. If a node is not live when the 
collection is created, it will not get any parts of the new collection, which 
could lead to too many replicas being created on a single live node. Defining 
maxShardsPerNode sets a limit on the number of replicas can be spread to each 
node. If the entire collection can not be fit into the live nodes, no 
collection will be created at all."},
              "description":"When set to true, enables auto addition of 
replicas when the number of active replicas falls below the value set for 
              "description":"Defines rules for where replicas should be located 
in a cluster.",
              "description":"Name of the collection-level policy"},
              "description":"Allows adding for the collection. 
Some examples of core properties you may want to modify include the config set, 
the node name, the data directory, among others.",
              "description":"Defines a request ID that can be used to track 
this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
              "description":"If true then request will complete only when all 
affected replicas become active.",
          "description":"Allows one or more collections to be known by another 
name (to include time partitioned collections). If this command is used on an 
existing alias, the existing alias will be replaced with the new collection 
              "description":"The alias name to be created."},
              "description":"The list of collections to be known as this alias. 
Incompatible with any of the routing parameters. Either this parameter or a 
complete set of routing parameters is required.",
              "description":"Routing specific properties to define a time 
routed alias.  Do not specify 'collections' when creating a time routed alias.",
                  "description":"The type of routing to perform. Currently only 
'time' is supported, and it's required."},
                  "description":"The date field name in incoming documents that 
is consulted to decide which collection the document should be routed to."},
                  "description":"The earliest date/time in a document that may 
be indexed into this alias. Documents with values less than this will return an 
error. For time based routing this may be a date math expression."},
                  "description":"A specification of the width of the interval 
for each partition collection. For time based routing this should be a date 
math expression fragment starting with the + character."},
                  "description":"How many milliseconds into the future to 
accept document. Documents with a value in router.field that is greater than 
now() + maxFutureMs will be rejected to avoid provisioning too much 
                  "description":"If a document arrives with a timestamp that is 
after the end time of the most recent collection minus this interval, then the 
next collection will be created asynchronously. Without this setting, 
collections are created synchronously when required by the document time stamp 
and thus block the flow of documents until the collection is created (possibly 
several seconds). Preemptive creation reduces these hiccups. If set to enough 
time (perhaps an hour or more) then if there are problems creating a 
collection, this window of time might be enough to take corrective action. 
However after a successful preemptive creation,  the collection is consuming 
resources without being used, and new documents will tend to be routed through 
it only to be routed elsewhere. Also, note that router.autoDeleteAge is 
currently evaluated relative to the date of a newly created collection, and so 
you may want to increase the delete age by the preemptive window amount so that 
the oldest collection isn't deleted too soon."},
                  "description":"A date math expressions yielding a time in the 
past. Collections covering a period of time entirely before this age will be 
automatically deleted."},
                  "description":"The maximum number of categories allowed for 
this alias."},
                  "description":"A regular expression that the value of the 
field specified by `router.field` must match before a corresponding collection 
will be created."},
                  "description":"A list of router property sets to be used with 
router type Dimensional[foo,bar] where foo and bar are valid router type names 
(i.e. time or category). The order must correspond to the type specification in 
[] in the Dimensional type, so Dimensional[category,time] would require the 
first set of router properties to be valid for a category routed alias, and the 
second set to be valid for a time routed alias. In these sets of properties, will be ignored in favor of the type specified in the top level 
              "description":"Optional timezone for use with any date math that 
may exist in other parameters.  Defaults to UTC."},
              "description":"The settings to use to create a collection for 
each new time partition. Most options from the collection create command are 
available, except for 'name', 'async' and 'waitForFinalState'.",
              "description":"Defines a request ID that can be used to track 
this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
          "description":"Deletes a collection alias",
              "description":"The name of the alias to delete."},
              "description":"Defines a request ID that can be used to track 
this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
          "description":"Allows changing the properties on an alias. If a key 
is set with an empty string then it will be removed",
              "description":"The alias name on which to set properties."},
              "description":"A map of key/value pairs that will be associated 
with the alias as alias properties (metadata). An empty value will delete any 
existing value for a given key.",
              "description":"Defines a request ID that can be used to track 
this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
          "description":"Backup Solr indexes and configurations for a specific 
collection. One copy of the indexes will be taken from each shard, and the 
config set for the collection will also be copied.",
              "description":"The name of the collection to back up."},
              "description":"The name of the backup."},
              "description":"A location on a shared drive for the 
backup-collection command to write to. Alternately, it can be set as a cluster 
property with the cluster endpoint, which also supports setting a location."},
              "description":"Defines a request ID that can be used to track 
this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
          "description":"Restore Solr indexes and configurations from a backup. 
You cannot restore into the same collection you took the backup from. The 
target collection must not exist before calling this command, as it will be 
created by the restore action. The new collection will have the same number of 
shards and replicas as the original collection, and all routing strategies will 
be retained.",
              "description":"The name of the collection the backup will be 
restored to. This collection must not exist prior to this "},
              "description":"The name of the backup file."},
              "description":"The location on the shared drive for the 
restore-collection command to read from. Alternately, it can be set as a 
cluster property with the cluster endpoint, which also supports setting a 
              "description":"Defines a request ID that can be used to track 
this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
      "description":"Deletes a collection.",
  "WARNING":"This response format is experimental.  It is likely to change in 
the future.",
      "GET"]}} expected:<[DELETE]> but was:<[GET]>
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at java.base/

Build Log:
[...truncated 15056 lines...]
   [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.handler.admin.TestApiFramework
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test  -Dtestcase=TestApiFramework 
-Dtests.method=testFramework -Dtests.seed=E56C8177DC38F0C9 -Dtests.multiplier=3 
-Dtests.slow=true -Dtests.locale=bez-TZ -Dtests.timezone=Etc/GMT+2 
-Dtests.asserts=true -Dtests.file.encoding=UTF-8
   [junit4] FAILURE 0.05s J0 | TestApiFramework.testFramework <<<
   [junit4]    > Throwable #1: org.junit.ComparisonFailure: incorrect value for 
path /spec[0]/methods[0] in :{
   [junit4]    >   "spec":[
   [junit4]    >     {
   [junit4]    >       
   [junit4]    >       "description":"List all available collections and their 
   [junit4]    >       "methods":["GET"],
   [junit4]    >       "url":{"paths":[
   [junit4]    >           "/collections",
   [junit4]    >           "/c"]}},
   [junit4]    >     {
   [junit4]    >       
   [junit4]    >       "description":"Create collections and collection 
aliases, backup or restore collections, and delete collections and aliases.",
   [junit4]    >       "methods":["POST"],
   [junit4]    >       "url":{"paths":[
   [junit4]    >           "/collections",
   [junit4]    >           "/c"]},
   [junit4]    >       "commands":{
   [junit4]    >         "create":{
   [junit4]    >           "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >           
   [junit4]    >           "description":"Create a collection.",
   [junit4]    >           "properties":{
   [junit4]    >             "name":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The name of the collection to be 
   [junit4]    >             "config":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The name of the configuration set 
(which must already be stored in ZooKeeper) to use for this collection. If not 
provided, Solr will default to the collection name as the configuration set 
   [junit4]    >             "router":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >               
   [junit4]    >               "description":"These properties define how to 
distribute documents across a collection's shards.",
   [junit4]    >               "properties":{
   [junit4]    >                 "name":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >                   "enum":[
   [junit4]    >                     "implicit",
   [junit4]    >                     "compositeId"],
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"The router implementation to 
use for this collection. There are two options: compositeId or implicit. The 
compositeId option has Solr decide how to distribute documents (with some 
possibilities for customization). The implicit option requires you define your 
own routing strategy, and puts the balancing of documents in shards entirely in 
your hands.",
   [junit4]    >                   "default":"compositeId"},
   [junit4]    >                 "field":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"A field to be used by Solr to 
identify the shard a document should be routed to. By default, the field 
defined as the unique ID for each document is used, but an alternative field 
can be defined with this parameter."}}},
   [junit4]    >             "numShards":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"integer",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The number of shards to be 
created as part of the collection. Shards are logical partitions of a single 
collection. Each shard has at least one replica, but more replicas for each 
shard can be defined with the replicationFactor property. This is a required 
parameter when using the 'compositeId' router."},
   [junit4]    >             "shards":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"A comma-separated list of shard 
names, e.g., shard-x,shard-y,shard-z. This is a required parameter when using 
the 'implicit' router."},
   [junit4]    >             "replicationFactor":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"integer",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The number of NRT replicas to be 
created for each shard. Replicas are physical copies of each shard, acting as 
failover for the shard."},
   [junit4]    >             "nrtReplicas":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"integer",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The number of NRT replicas to be 
created for each shard. Replicas are physical copies of each shard, acting as 
failover for the shard. Replicas of type NRT will be updated with each document 
that is added to the cluster, and can use \"softCommits\" to get a new view of 
the index in Near Real Time. This parameter works in the same way as 
   [junit4]    >             "tlogReplicas":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"integer",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The number of TLOG replicas to be 
created for each shard. TLOG replicas update their transaction log for every 
update to the cluster, but only the shard leader updates the local index, other 
TLOG replicas will use segment replication and copy the latest index files from 
the leader."},
   [junit4]    >             "pullReplicas":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"integer",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The number of PULL replicas to be 
created for each shard. PULL replicas don't receive copies of the documents on 
update requests, they just replicate the latest segments periodically from the 
shard leader. PULL replicas can't become shard leaders, and need at least one 
active TLOG(recommended) or NRT replicas in the shard to replicate from."},
   [junit4]    >             "nodeSet":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"array",
   [junit4]    >               "items":{"type":"string"},
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Defines nodes to spread the new 
collection across. If not provided, the collection will be spread across all 
live Solr nodes. The names to use are the 'node_name', which can be found by a 
request to the cluster/nodes endpoint. A special value of EMPTY will create no 
shards or replicas for the new collection. In this case, shards and replicas 
can be added later with the add-replica command available on the 
/collections/{collection}/shards endpoint."},
   [junit4]    >             "shuffleNodes":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"boolean",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Controls whether or not the 
shard-replicas created for this collection will be assigned to the nodes 
specified by the nodeSet property in a sequential manner, or if the list of 
nodes should be shuffled prior to creating individual replicas. A 'false' value 
makes the results of a collection creation predictable and gives more exact 
control over the location of the individual shard-replicas, but 'true' can be a 
better choice for ensuring replicas are distributed evenly across nodes. This 
property is ignored if nodeSet is not also specified."},
   [junit4]    >             "maxShardsPerNode":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"integer",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"When creating collections, the 
shards and/or replicas are spread across all available, live, nodes, and two 
replicas of the same shard will never be on the same node. If a node is not 
live when the collection is created, it will not get any parts of the new 
collection, which could lead to too many replicas being created on a single 
live node. Defining maxShardsPerNode sets a limit on the number of replicas can 
be spread to each node. If the entire collection can not be fit into the live 
nodes, no collection will be created at all."},
   [junit4]    >             "autoAddReplicas":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"boolean",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"When set to true, enables auto 
addition of replicas when the number of active replicas falls below the value 
set for replicationFactor.",
   [junit4]    >               
   [junit4]    >               "default":"false"},
   [junit4]    >             "rule":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"array",
   [junit4]    >               
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Defines rules for where replicas 
should be located in a cluster.",
   [junit4]    >               "items":{"type":"string"}},
   [junit4]    >             "snitch":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"array",
   [junit4]    >               
   [junit4]    >               "description":"",
   [junit4]    >               "items":{"type":"string"}},
   [junit4]    >             "policy":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Name of the collection-level 
   [junit4]    >             "properties":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >               
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Allows adding for 
the collection. Some examples of core properties you may want to modify include 
the config set, the node name, the data directory, among others.",
   [junit4]    >               "additionalProperties":true},
   [junit4]    >             "async":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Defines a request ID that can be 
used to track this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
   [junit4]    >             "waitForFinalState":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"boolean",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"If true then request will 
complete only when all affected replicas become active.",
   [junit4]    >               "default":false}},
   [junit4]    >           "required":["name"]},
   [junit4]    >         "create-alias":{
   [junit4]    >           
   [junit4]    >           "description":"Allows one or more collections to be 
known by another name (to include time partitioned collections). If this 
command is used on an existing alias, the existing alias will be replaced with 
the new collection details.",
   [junit4]    >           "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >           "properties":{
   [junit4]    >             "name":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The alias name to be created."},
   [junit4]    >             "collections":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"array",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The list of collections to be 
known as this alias. Incompatible with any of the routing parameters. Either 
this parameter or a complete set of routing parameters is required.",
   [junit4]    >               "items":{"type":"string"}},
   [junit4]    >             "router":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >               
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Routing specific properties to 
define a time routed alias.  Do not specify 'collections' when creating a time 
routed alias.",
   [junit4]    >               "properties":{
   [junit4]    >                 "name":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"The type of routing to 
perform. Currently only 'time' is supported, and it's required."},
   [junit4]    >                 "field":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"The date field name in 
incoming documents that is consulted to decide which collection the document 
should be routed to."},
   [junit4]    >                 "start":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"The earliest date/time in a 
document that may be indexed into this alias. Documents with values less than 
this will return an error. For time based routing this may be a date math 
   [junit4]    >                 "interval":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"A specification of the width 
of the interval for each partition collection. For time based routing this 
should be a date math expression fragment starting with the + character."},
   [junit4]    >                 "maxFutureMs":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"integer",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"How many milliseconds into 
the future to accept document. Documents with a value in router.field that is 
greater than now() + maxFutureMs will be rejected to avoid provisioning too 
much resources."},
   [junit4]    >                 "preemptiveCreateMath":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"If a document arrives with a 
timestamp that is after the end time of the most recent collection minus this 
interval, then the next collection will be created asynchronously. Without this 
setting, collections are created synchronously when required by the document 
time stamp and thus block the flow of documents until the collection is created 
(possibly several seconds). Preemptive creation reduces these hiccups. If set 
to enough time (perhaps an hour or more) then if there are problems creating a 
collection, this window of time might be enough to take corrective action. 
However after a successful preemptive creation,  the collection is consuming 
resources without being used, and new documents will tend to be routed through 
it only to be routed elsewhere. Also, note that router.autoDeleteAge is 
currently evaluated relative to the date of a newly created collection, and so 
you may want to increase the delete age by the preemptive window amount so that 
the oldest collection isn't deleted too soon."},
   [junit4]    >                 "autoDeleteAge":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"A date math expressions 
yielding a time in the past. Collections covering a period of time entirely 
before this age will be automatically deleted."},
   [junit4]    >                 "maxCardinality":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"integer",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"The maximum number of 
categories allowed for this alias."},
   [junit4]    >                 "mustMatch":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"A regular expression that the 
value of the field specified by `router.field` must match before a 
corresponding collection will be created."},
   [junit4]    >                 "routerList":{
   [junit4]    >                   "type":"array",
   [junit4]    >                   "description":"A list of router property 
sets to be used with router type Dimensional[foo,bar] where foo and bar are 
valid router type names (i.e. time or category). The order must correspond to 
the type specification in [] in the Dimensional type, so 
Dimensional[category,time] would require the first set of router properties to 
be valid for a category routed alias, and the second set to be valid for a time 
routed alias. In these sets of properties, will be ignored in favor 
of the type specified in the top level Dimensional[]",
   [junit4]    >                   "items":{
   [junit4]    >                     "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >                     "additionalProperties":true}}}},
   [junit4]    >             "TZ":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Optional timezone for use with 
any date math that may exist in other parameters.  Defaults to UTC."},
   [junit4]    >             "create-collection":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >               
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The settings to use to create a 
collection for each new time partition. Most options from the collection create 
command are available, except for 'name', 'async' and 'waitForFinalState'.",
   [junit4]    >               "additionalProperties":true},
   [junit4]    >             "async":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Defines a request ID that can be 
used to track this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
   [junit4]    >           "required":["name"]},
   [junit4]    >         "delete-alias":{
   [junit4]    >           
   [junit4]    >           "description":"Deletes a collection alias",
   [junit4]    >           "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >           "properties":{
   [junit4]    >             "name":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The name of the alias to 
   [junit4]    >             "async":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Defines a request ID that can be 
used to track this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
   [junit4]    >           "required":["name"]},
   [junit4]    >         "set-alias-property":{
   [junit4]    >           
   [junit4]    >           "description":"Allows changing the properties on an 
alias. If a key is set with an empty string then it will be removed",
   [junit4]    >           "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >           "properties":{
   [junit4]    >             "name":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The alias name on which to set 
   [junit4]    >             "properties":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"A map of key/value pairs that 
will be associated with the alias as alias properties (metadata). An empty 
value will delete any existing value for a given key.",
   [junit4]    >               "additionalProperties":true},
   [junit4]    >             "async":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Defines a request ID that can be 
used to track this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
   [junit4]    >           "required":["name"]},
   [junit4]    >         "backup-collection":{
   [junit4]    >           
   [junit4]    >           "description":"Backup Solr indexes and 
configurations for a specific collection. One copy of the indexes will be taken 
from each shard, and the config set for the collection will also be copied.",
   [junit4]    >           "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >           "properties":{
   [junit4]    >             "collection":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The name of the collection to 
back up."},
   [junit4]    >             "name":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The name of the backup."},
   [junit4]    >             "location":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"A location on a shared drive for 
the backup-collection command to write to. Alternately, it can be set as a 
cluster property with the cluster endpoint, which also supports setting a 
   [junit4]    >             "async":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Defines a request ID that can be 
used to track this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
   [junit4]    >           "required":[
   [junit4]    >             "collection",
   [junit4]    >             "name",
   [junit4]    >             "location"]},
   [junit4]    >         "restore-collection":{
   [junit4]    >           
   [junit4]    >           "description":"Restore Solr indexes and 
configurations from a backup. You cannot restore into the same collection you 
took the backup from. The target collection must not exist before calling this 
command, as it will be created by the restore action. The new collection will 
have the same number of shards and replicas as the original collection, and all 
routing strategies will be retained.",
   [junit4]    >           "type":"object",
   [junit4]    >           "properties":{
   [junit4]    >             "collection":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The name of the collection the 
backup will be restored to. This collection must not exist prior to this "},
   [junit4]    >             "name":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The name of the backup file."},
   [junit4]    >             "location":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"The location on the shared drive 
for the restore-collection command to read from. Alternately, it can be set as 
a cluster property with the cluster endpoint, which also supports setting a 
   [junit4]    >             "async":{
   [junit4]    >               "type":"string",
   [junit4]    >               "description":"Defines a request ID that can be 
used to track this action after it's submitted. The action will be processed 
   [junit4]    >           "required":[
   [junit4]    >             "collection",
   [junit4]    >             "name",
   [junit4]    >             "location"]}}},
   [junit4]    >     {
   [junit4]    >       
   [junit4]    >       "description":"Deletes a collection.",
   [junit4]    >       "methods":["DELETE"],
   [junit4]    >       "url":{"paths":[
   [junit4]    >           "/collections/{collection}",
   [junit4]    >           "/c/{collection}"]}}],
   [junit4]    >   "WARNING":"This response format is experimental.  It is 
likely to change in the future.",
   [junit4]    >   "availableSubPaths":{
   [junit4]    >     "/collections/{collection}/shards":[
   [junit4]    >       "POST",
   [junit4]    >       "GET"],
   [junit4]    >     "/collections/{collection}/shards/{shard}/{replica}":[
   [junit4]    >       "DELETE",
   [junit4]    >       "GET"],
   [junit4]    >     "/collections/{collection}":[
   [junit4]    >       "DELETE",
   [junit4]    >       "POST",
   [junit4]    >       "GET"],
   [junit4]    >     "/collections/{collection}/shards/{shard}":[
   [junit4]    >       "DELETE",
   [junit4]    >       "POST",
   [junit4]    >       "GET"]}} expected:<[DELETE]> but was:<[GET]>
   [junit4]    >        at 
   [junit4]    >        at 
   [junit4]    >        at 
   [junit4]    >        at 
java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   [junit4]    >        at 
   [junit4]    >        at 
   [junit4]    >        at 
   [junit4]    >        at java.base/
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: leaving temporary files on disk at: 
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: test params are: codec=CheapBastard, 
 locale=bez-TZ, timezone=Etc/GMT+2
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: Linux 5.0.0-23-generic amd64/AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.3 
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: All tests run in this JVM: 
[UpdateRequestProcessorFactoryTest, TestExportWriter, ConnectionManagerTest, 
TestFieldCacheReopen, RecoveryZkTest, TestRequestStatusCollectionAPI, 
NodeAddedTriggerTest, TestCloudJSONFacetJoinDomain, JWTAuthPluginTest, 
TestAuthenticationFramework, TestContainerReqHandler, 
IndexSchemaRuntimeFieldTest, RuleEngineTest, ZkFailoverTest, 
TestManagedResource, MaxSizeAutoCommitTest, AnalyticsQueryTest, 
TestSolrConfigHandler, TestCorePropertiesReload, DistributedTermsComponentTest, 
PrimitiveFieldTypeTest, SSLMigrationTest, TestSchemalessBufferedUpdates, 
TestStressInPlaceUpdates, TermsComponentTest, SearchHandlerTest, TestReload, 
TestMacros, TestCollationField, TestSerializedLuceneMatchVersion, 
AutoscalingHistoryHandlerTest, DirectoryFactoryTest, TestReloadAndDeleteDocs, 
TestPartialUpdateDeduplication, TriggerCooldownIntegrationTest, 
LoggingHandlerTest, HdfsAutoAddReplicasIntegrationTest, NoCacheHeaderTest, 
TestUpdate, DateRangeFieldTest, BadIndexSchemaTest, TestLuceneIndexBackCompat, 
ReplaceNodeNoTargetTest, TestQueryTypes, LargeFieldTest, 
SolrCoreCheckLockOnStartupTest, TestFieldCacheVsDocValues, 
TestChildDocTransformer, TestDocTermOrds, SolrRrdBackendFactoryTest, 
HdfsCollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest, TestGeoJSONResponseWriter, 
HealthCheckHandlerTest, BasicZkTest, FileUtilsTest, TestSchemaResource, 
ChaosMonkeySafeLeaderTest, NodeMarkersRegistrationTest, TestCloudInspectUtil, 
CategoryRoutedAliasUpdateProcessorTest, CacheHeaderTest, 
WordBreakSolrSpellCheckerTest, TestSolr4Spatial, SolrGraphiteReporterTest, 
RegexBoostProcessorTest, BJQParserTest, SpellCheckComponentTest, TestLFUCache, 
NestedShardedAtomicUpdateTest, TestTolerantUpdateProcessorCloud, 
TestPullReplica, HighlighterConfigTest, UninvertDocValuesMergePolicyTest, 
TestEmbeddedSolrServerSchemaAPI, CollectionsAPISolrJTest, TestOmitPositions, 
TestInPlaceUpdateWithRouteField, SchemaApiFailureTest, DistributedQueueTest, 
TestDocSet, TestInPlaceUpdatesStandalone, TestManagedSchema, FullHLLTest, 
TestDownShardTolerantSearch, NestedAtomicUpdateTest, BufferStoreTest, 
SolrLogAuditLoggerPluginTest, StressHdfsTest, CopyFieldTest, TestBadConfig, 
TestCloudSearcherWarming, TestLegacyTerms, CoreAdminOperationTest, 
SortByFunctionTest, TestUtils, RootFieldTest, UpdateParamsTest, 
DistributedFacetPivotSmallAdvancedTest, TestPhraseSuggestions, 
TestStressRecovery, TestBM25SimilarityFactory, TestAnalyzedSuggestions, 
TestMiniSolrCloudClusterSSL, ZkStateReaderTest, SolrIndexConfigTest, 
TestRandomRequestDistribution, TestSolrCLIRunExample, TestSolrIndexConfig, 
TestUseDocValuesAsStored2, TestSystemCollAutoCreate, 
DistributedMLTComponentTest, TestSimExtremeIndexing, BasicAuthOnSingleNodeTest, 
TestSimNodeAddedTrigger, SplitByPrefixTest, DataDrivenBlockJoinTest, 
DistributedQueryElevationComponentTest, TestReqParamsAPI, 
FieldAnalysisRequestHandlerTest, ClassificationUpdateProcessorTest, 
HdfsTlogReplayBufferedWhileIndexingTest, DistributedFacetExistsSmallTest, 
DeleteReplicaTest, TestSolrCloudWithKerberosAlt, 
TestLeaderElectionWithEmptyReplica, TestJsonFacets, TestReplicationHandler, 
BlockJoinFacetSimpleTest, DimensionalRoutedAliasUpdateProcessorTest, 
HdfsNNFailoverTest, TestAddFieldRealTimeGet, RequestHandlersTest, 
DistributedFacetSimpleRefinementLongTailTest, SpatialRPTFieldTypeTest, 
TestPerFieldSimilarity, TestUnInvertedFieldException, 
TestPayloadCheckQParserPlugin, TestRealTimeGet, TemplateUpdateProcessorTest, 
TestSimTriggerIntegration, TestTrie, DistribDocExpirationUpdateProcessorTest, 
ForceLeaderWithTlogReplicasTest, HttpPartitionWithTlogReplicasTest, 
LeaderElectionIntegrationTest, LeaderTragicEventTest, 
LeaderVoteWaitTimeoutTest, OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest, 
OverseerTest, RoutingToNodesWithPropertiesTest, ShardRoutingTest, 
SplitShardTest, SystemCollectionCompatTest, TestCloudRecovery, 
TestConfigSetsAPIExclusivity, TestConfigSetsAPIZkFailure, 
TestDeleteCollectionOnDownNodes, TestPrepRecovery, 
TestSizeLimitedDistributedMap, TestSolrCloudWithDelegationTokens, 
TlogReplayBufferedWhileIndexingTest, TriLevelCompositeIdRoutingTest, 
UnloadDistributedZkTest, AssignTest, CollectionReloadTest, 
ConcurrentDeleteAndCreateCollectionTest, CustomCollectionTest, 
TestHdfsCloudBackupRestore, AutoScalingHandlerTest, IndexSizeTriggerTest, 
TestImplicitCoreProperties, TestLazyCores, BinaryUpdateRequestHandlerTest, 
CSVRequestHandlerTest, MoreLikeThisHandlerTest, PingRequestHandlerTest, 
TestCSVLoader, TestHdfsBackupRestoreCore, V2StandaloneTest, 
XmlUpdateRequestHandlerTest, XsltUpdateRequestHandlerTest, 
AdminHandlersProxyTest, CoreAdminHandlerTest, DaemonStreamApiTest, 
MetricsHandlerTest, SecurityConfHandlerTest, SegmentsInfoRequestHandlerTest, 
SplitHandlerTest, StatsReloadRaceTest, SystemInfoHandlerTest, TestApiFramework]
   [junit4] Completed [651/875 (1!)] on J0 in 0.28s, 2 tests, 1 failure <<< 

[...truncated 40065 lines...]
    [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/ecj1355748861
 [ecj-lint] Compiling 40 source files to /tmp/ecj1355748861
 [ecj-lint] ----------
 [ecj-lint] 1. ERROR in 
 (at line 23)
 [ecj-lint]     import;
 [ecj-lint]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 [ecj-lint] The import is never used
 [ecj-lint] ----------
 [ecj-lint] 1 problem (1 error)

/home/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-master-Linux/build.xml:634: The following 
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-master-Linux/build.xml:101: The following 
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-master-Linux/lucene/build.xml:207: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 92 minutes 52 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Recording test results
Email was triggered for: Failure - Any
Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any
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