Paul Gier wrote:
> I'd like to discuss the possibility of Maven automatically looking for a
> project specific settings.xml file [1].  The main use case for this is
> to eliminate, or at least reduce, the need to add repositories to the
> poms.  A setting.xml file could simply be added into scm into the root
> directory of the project.  Then it would be checked out when the project
> is checked out.

While the patch [2] does not do that per say, you can accomplish it by
putting the maven home in the project's SCM, and then make the repo relative
to either the pom or maven home.

> With multi-module projects, Maven would need to search up the directory
> tree to find the settings.xml file, but this could be made relatively
> simple by checking the parent dirs until Maven finds:
> (1) a settings.xml, (2) a directory with no pom.xml, or (3) the root
> directory
> The only problem I can think of in this case would be when small related
> projects can be checked out separately (similar to Maven plugins, or
> codehaus mojo).  The project might not be able to find the settings.xml
> if it is not checked out with the project.  Although I think this is a
> relatively minor issue.

I think this is addressed by putting the maven home in the SCM. It is a
relatively small overhead for the benefit.


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