
I've updated Java9/Jigsaw confluence page[1].

A new chapter has been added: a list of third party libraries where our projects depend on (though most are related to integration tests, compile-time is still looking fine), starting with the causes of failing integration tests of the maven-compiler-plugin when running with -Dinvoker.javaHome=/path/to/jdk-9

In some cases I've had contact with one of the maintainers, but for some I'm missing a contact.
Concrete I have 2 projects where I could use some help:
- com.google.errorprone, another compiler implementation
- gmaven/groovy. We're still using org.codehaus.gmaven:gmaven-plugin to execute groovy-scripts, but I wonder if this is still the preferred plugin to do so.

Anyone hitting issues with third party libraries in relation with Java9 and Maven is encouraged to update this page too.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/Java+9+-+Jigsaw

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