
Currently, every deployment using "m2 deploy" will update the release
information on the server. This will be modified shortly, but until it
is - take care what you deploy. Any plugin, report or archetype
snapshots will actually automatically upgrade users to that version if
they have it configured that way (Which is the default, unless the
version is actually listed in the POM). Handy way to push out bug fixes
though :)

The next release will incorporate more configuration and prompting, but
this will be fine as long as formal releases are deployed only for at
least the core plugins.

This does mean that the core is now completely independant of plugin
releases, so I don't intend to do them together next time. Plugins will
get released as appropriate (so we need to be careful not to break
binary compatibility on the plugin API).

Note that 1.0-alpha-1 releases of all archetypes, and releases of all
plugins have been made. Snapshot releases of the reports have been made,
but they are not yet tagged (they will need more work on them over the
coming weeks anyway).


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