The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven
JLink Plugin, version 3.1.0

The JLink Plugin is intended to create a Modular Java Run-Time Images via jlink.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Apache Maven JLink Plugin - Version 3.1.0

  [MJLINK-54] - Compiler source/target for site generating does not work with 8
  [MJLINK-55] - Pre Release Marker in Site must be changed

New Feature
  [MJLINK-40] - Add support for --include-locales option
  [MJLINK-41] - Add support for launcher script

  [MJLINK-36] - Use JLink via ToolProvider
  [MJLINK-49] - Add support for single maven projects
  [MJLINK-52] - Add support for classifiers
  [MJLINK-53] - ITs should fail if no jlink binary is available
  [MJLINK-56] - Convert unit tests to Junit5
  [MJLINK-58] - Remove usage of plexus utils, use commons lang or
native java instead.

  [MJLINK-60] - Website still shows PRE-RELEASE watermark

Dependency upgrade
  [MJLINK-47] - Upgrade plexus-archiver to 4.2.3


-The Maven team

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