Hi all,

I have a set of modules that I need to assemble into a directory.

These modules depend on some platform specific matlab ctf and jar files
that have been published into the maven repository with a classifier
giving the platform, like so:


To start with a working config and move on from there, I copied the
jar-with-dependencies assembly into my project and made it valid, then I
turned off the dependency unpack behaviour - in other words, I expect to
end up with some dependencies in a directory.

When I run mvn assembly:assembly and unpack the result, I end up with an
assembly containing this:

-rw-r--r--    1 minfrin  minfrin  15125 Mar  1 17:35 -macosx
drwxr-xr-x    7 minfrin  minfrin    238 Mar  8 18:30 .
drwxr-xr-x    7 minfrin  minfrin    238 Mar  8 18:29 ..
drwxr-xr-x    3 minfrin  minfrin    102 Mar  8 18:28 META-INF
drwxr-xr-x   17 minfrin  minfrin    578 Mar  8 18:21 alchemy
-rw-r--r--    1 minfrin  minfrin  11306 Feb 28 17:36 log4j.properties

The file "-macosx" represents the alchemy-quant-4.0.5-macosx.jar file.

Interestingly enough, building the same thing on Windows results in a
directory called -windows rather than a file, but otherwise the effect is
the same.

Can anyone confirm whether the assembly plugin has ever worked on a
project that depended on projects containing classifiers?

The dependency is defined like this:




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