Can't make today's meeting, so sending out some notes:

On the performance front:

- Long Fei reported a slow master, and perf data indicates a lot of time is
spent handling executor churn, this can be easily improved:

On the resource management front:

- Work on quota limits is wrapping up. The functionality is ready for
release, but some pieces are missing (e.g. there is no quota consumption
metric, it's only exposed in the /roles endpoint for now):

- The allocation cycle times in the LargeAndSmallQuota benchmark appears to
be ~2-3x worse from 1.8.1 as a result of implementing quota limits. The
non-quota cycle times appear similar. We will be attempting to bring this
back down closer to 1.8.1 but it's tight with the release planning to be
cut this week.

If folks have anything else to mention, or any comments or questions,
please chime in.


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