Hi All,

I’m happy to announce the release of Metron 0.5.0!  Everyone has put in a
lot of working into improvements, new features, and discussion.  Thanks to
everyone who contributed, and I look forward to having users enjoy our new
features and improvements.

The official release source code tarballs may be obtained at any of the
mirrors listed in

As usual, the secure signatures and confirming hashes may be obtained at

The release branches in github is
https://github.com/apache/metron/tree/Metron_0.5.0 (tag

The release doc book is at http://metron.apache.org/current-book/index.html
The Apache Metron web site at http://metron.apache.org/ has been updated;
please refresh your web browser cache if the new links do not immediately

Change lists and Release Notes may be obtained at the same locations as the
For your reading pleasure, the change list is appended to this message.

Metron CHANGES (in reverse chronological order):

    METRON-1586 Defaulting for the source type field in alerts UI does
not work (merrimanr via justinleet) closes apache/metron#1038
    METRON-1569: Allow user to change field name conversion when
indexing to Elasticsearch (nickwallen via mmiklavc) closes
    METRON-1544 Flaky test:
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#1015
    METRON-1580 Release candidate check script requires Bro Plugin
(nickwallen via ottobackwards) closes apache/metron#1034
    METRON-1532 Getting started documentation improvements (sardell
via nickwallen) closes apache/metron#1001
    METRON-1576 bundle.css RAT failure for
metron-interface/metron-alerts (justinleet) closes apache/metron#1029
    METRON-1575 Add leet gpg public key to the KEYS file (justinleet)
closes apache/metron#1028
    METRON-1574 Update version to 0.5.0 (justinleet) closes apache/metron#1026
    METRON-1566 Alert updates are not propagated to metaalert child
alerts (merrimanr) closes apache/metron#1018
    METRON-1565 Metaalerts fix denormalization after moving to active
status (merrimanr) closes apache/metron#1017
    METRON-1548 Remove hardcoded source:type from Alerts UI
(justinleet) closes apache/metron#1010
    METRON-1548 Remove hardcoded source:type from Alerts UI (sardell
via justinleet) closes apache/metron#1010
    METRON-1564 Full dev kafka has offsets.topic.replication.factor
set to 3 instead of 1 (justinleet) closes apache/metron#1016
    METRON-1552: Add gzip file validation check to the geo loader
(mmiklavc via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1011
    METRON-1551 Profiler Should Not Use Java Serialization
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#1012
    METRON-1549: Add empty object test to WriterBoltIntegrationTest
implementation (mmiklavc via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1009
    METRON-1541 Mvn clean results in git status having deleted files.
(justinleet via nickwallen) closes apache/metron#1003
    METRON-1461 MIN MAX stellar function should take a stats or list
object and return min/max (MohanDV via nickwallen) closes
    METRON-1184 EC2 Deployment - Updating control_path to accommodate
for Linux (Ahmed Shah via ottobackwards) closes apache/metron#754
    METRON-1530 Default proxy config settings in metron-contrib need
to be updated (sardell via merrimanr) closes apache/metron#998
    METRON-1545 Upgrade Spring and Spring Boot (merrimanr) closes
    METRON-1543 Unable to Set Parser Output Topic in Sensor Config
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#1007
    METRON-1539: Specialized RENAME field transformer closes
    METRON-1520: Add caching for stellar field transformations closes
    METRON-1529 CONFIG_GET Fails to Retrieve Latest Config When Run in
Zeppelin REPL (nickwallen) closes apache/metron#997
    METRON-1511 Unable to Serialize Profiler Configuration
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#982
    METRON-1528: Fix missing file in metron.spec (mmiklavc via
mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#996
    METRON-1445: Update performance tuning guide with more explicit
parameter instructions (mmiklavc via mmiklavc) closes
    METRON-1502 Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8 (justinleet) closes
    METRON-1527: Remove dead test file sitting in source folder
(mmiklavc via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#994
    METRON-1499 Enable Configuration of Unified Enrichment Topology
via Ambari (nickwallen) closes apache/metron#984
    METRON-1515: Errors loading stellar functions currently bomb the
entire topology, they should be recoverable closes
    METRON-1522 Fix the typo errors at profile debugger readme
(MohanDV via nickwallen) closes apache/metron#992
    METRON-1519 Indexing Error Topic Property Not Displayed in MPack
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#987
    METRON-1347: Indexing Topology should fail tuples without a
source.type (cstella via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#863
    METRON-1521: JSONMapParser is no longer serializable closes
    METRON-1516 Support for Ansible 2.5.0 (ottobackwards) closes
    METRON-1494 Profiler Emits Messages to Kafka When Not Needed
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#967
    METRON-1510 Update Metron website to include info about github
update subscription (anandsubbu) closes apache/metron#981
    METRON-1518 Build Failure When Using Profile HDP-
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#986
    METRON-1465:Support for Elasticsearch X-pack (wardbekker via
mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#946
    METRON-1504: Enriching missing values does not match the semantics
between the new enrichment topology and old closes
    METRON-1505 Intermittent Profiler Integration Test Failure
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#977
    METRON-1449 Set Zookeeper URL for Stellar Running in Zeppelin
Notebook (nickwallen) closes apache/metron#931
    METRON-1462: Separate ES and Kibana from Metron Mpack (mmiklavc
via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#943
    METRON-1501 Parser messages that fail to validate are dropped
silently (cestella via justinleet) closes apache/metron#972
    METRON-1497 Rest endpoint '/api/v1/search/search' needs to handle
null when elastic search response return null for getAggregations
(MohanDV via justinleet) closes apache/metron#968
    METRON-1500 Enhance 'prepare-commit' to Support Feature Branches
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#971
    METRON-1491: The indexing topology restart logic is wrong (cstella
via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#964
    METRON-590 Enable Use of Event Time in Profiler (nickwallen)
closes apache/metron#965
    METRON-1483: Create a tool to monitor performance of the
topologies closes apache/incubator-metron#958
    METRON-1487 Define Performance Benchmarks for Enrichment Topology
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#961
    METRON-1493 Unhelpful Error Message When Assignment Expressions
Fail (nickwallen) closes apache/metron#966
    METRON-1397 Support for JSON Path and complex documents in
JSONMapParser closes apache/incubator-metron#914
    METRON-1299 In MetronError tests, don't test for HostName if
getHostName wouldn't work closes apache/incubator-metron#924
    METRON-1485 Upgrade vagrant for dev environments closes
    METRON-1488: user_settings hbase table does not have acls set up
for kerberos closes apache/metron#962
    METRON-1490: Better error message when user specifies an
enrichment type that doesn't exist closes apache/metron#963
    METRON-1468 Add support for apache/metron-bro-plugin-kafka to
prepare-commit (JonZeolla) closes apache/metron#948
    METRON-1471: Migrate shuffle connections to local or shuffle
closes apache/metron#949
    METRON-1467: Replace guava caches in places where the keyspace
might be large closes apache/metron#947
    METRON-1463: Adjust the groupings and shuffles in enrichment to be
more efficient closes apache/metron#944
    METRON-1460: Create a complementary non-split-join enrichment
topology closes apache/metron#940
    METRON-1470 Update jquery to version 3+ (xyztdanid via merrimanr)
closes apache/metron#950
    METRON-1450 Add REST endpoint docs for index topology split
(MohanDV via nickwallen) closes apache/metron#936
    METRON-1337 List of facets should not be hardcoded (merrimanr)
closes apache/metron#853
    METRON-1452 Rebase Dev Environment on Latest CentOS 6 (nickwallen)
closes apache/metron#933
    METRON-1457 Move ASF links to main page in the Metron website
(anandsubbu) closes apache/metron#938
    METRON-1394 Create Rest endpoint to add the ACL for current user
to kafka topics  (MohanDV via merrimanr) closes apache/metron#895
    METRON-941 native PaloAlto parser corrupts message when having a
comma in the payload (ctramnitz via justinleet) closes
    METRON-1386: Fix Metron Website Required Links closes
    METRON-1455: Patch and Replace methods in the REST
UpdateController return 400 this closes apache/incubator-metron#937
    METRON-1318 Update MacOS Instructions for AWS (wardbekker via
nickwallen) closes apache/metron#930
    METRON-1451 On Centos full dev, Metron Indexing shows up as
stopped (anandsubbu via merrimanr) closes apache/metron#932
    METRON-1444: Add Ubuntu Repositories for Elasticsearch to the
Mpack (mmiklavc via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#928
    METRON-1273: Website documentation link should point to the
current site-book (JonZeolla via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#812
    METRON-1447 Heap Size Not Set Correctly by MPack for ES 5.x
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#927
    METRON-1446: Fix openjdk issue with Ubuntu (mmiklavc via mmiklavc)
closes apache/metron#926
    METRON-1442: Split rest end points for indexing topology into
random access indexing and batch indexing this closes
    METRON-1443 Missing Critical MPack Install Instruction for Ubuntu
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#925
    METRON-1438 STELLAR: Move shell functions to common from
metron-management (ottobackwards) closes apache/metron#920
    METRON-1435 Management UI cannot save json objects in advanced
config (merrimanr) closes apache/metron#917
    METRON-1439 Turn off git pager in platform-info script
(justinleet) closes apache/metron#919
    METRON-1091 STELLAR Shell: Stand Alone installation
(ottobackwards) closes apache/metron#690
    METRON-1427: Add support for storm 1.1 and hdp 2.6 (cstella via
mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#907
    METRON-1391 Typos in Documentation/Examples within
metron-management/README.md (havran via ottobackwards) closes
    METRON-1389 Zeppelin notebook import does not work with Ambari 2.6
(anandsubbu) closes apache/metron#888
    METRON-1432 JDK Install Fails on Ubuntu Development Environment
(nickwallen) closes apache/metron#913
    METRON-1431 Add REGEXP_REPLACE function to Stellar (havran via
ottobackwards) closes apache/metron#912
    METRON-1410 Some more upgrade fallout... Can't restart Metron
Indexing. (ottobackwards) closes apache/metron#901
    METRON-1370 Create Full Dev Equivalent for Ubuntu (nickwallen via
cestella) closes apache/incubator-metron#903
    METRON-1430: Isolate jackson from being used as arguments or
returns from JSONUtils closes apache/metron#910
    METRON-1398 Exclude the basic-error-controller from being added to
the swagger description (MohanDV via merrimanr) closes
    METRON-1392 Fix a test case to expect an Exception when
replication factor more than number of brokers while creating topic
(MohanDV via merrimanr) closes apache/metron#892
    METRON-1413 Add Metron Commit Tool (nickwallen) closes apache/metron#902
    METRON-1429 SearchIntegrationTest refactor (merrimanr) closes
    METRON-1426: SensorIndexingConfigControllerIntegrationTest fails
intermittently closes apache/metron#906
    METRON-1417: Disable pcap-service by default in Monit (mmiklavc
via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#905
    METRON-1400: Elasticsearch service check fails in Ambari (mmiklavc
via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#904
    METRON-1428: Travis build failing from metron-config (mmiklavc via
mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#908
    METRON-1302: Split up Indexing Topology into batch and random
access sections closes apache/incubator-metron#831
    METRON-1395 Documentation missing for Produce a message to a Kafka
topic Rest API endpoint (MohanDV via nickwallen) closes
    METRON-1411 Fix sed command in Upgrading.md (justinleet) closes
    METRON-1326: Metron deploy with Kerberos fails on Ambari 2.5
during ES service stop (mmiklavc via mmiklavc) closes
    METRON-1380: Create a typosquatting use-case closes
    METRON-1230: As a stopgap prior to METRON-777, add more simplistic
sideloading of custom Parsers closes apache/incubator-metron#785
    METRON-1378: Create a summarizer closes apache/incubator-metron#879
    METRON-1231 Separate Sensor name and topic in the Management UI
(merrimanr) closes apache/metron#786
    METRON-1382 Run Stellar in a Zeppelin Notebook (nickwallen) closes
    METRON-1396 Fix .gitignore files to not ignore themselves
(justinleet) closes apache/metron#896
    METRON-1366: Add an entropy stellar function (cstella via
mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#872
    METRON-1390: Swagger UI for "Web Security Config" Controller needs
request method (MohanDV via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#889
    METRON-1393: Fix bro Elasticsearch template (mmiklavc via
mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#893
    METRON-1379: Add an OBJECT_GET stellar function closes
    METRON-939: Upgrade ElasticSearch and Kibana (mmiklavc via
mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#840
    METRON-1377: Stellar function to generate typosquatted domains
(similar to dnstwist) closes apache/incubator-metron#878
    METRON-1385 Missing "properties" in index template
causes ElasticsearchColumnMetadataDao.getColumnMetadata to fail
(merrimanr) closes apache/metron#886
    METRON-1388 update public web site to point at 0.4.2 new release
(mattf-horton) closes apache/metron#887
    METRON-1362 Improve Metron Deployment README (nickwallen) closes
    METRON-1384 Increment master version number to 0.4.3 for on-going
development (mattf-horton via nickwallen) closes apache/metron#885
    METRON-1381 Add Apache license to MD files and remove the Rat
exclusion (justinleet) closes apache/metron#883
    METRON-1071 Create CONTRIBUTING.md (justinleet) closes apache/metron#881

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