The Apache MINA project team is proud to announce the release
of Apache MINA version 2.0.0.

Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications
easily by providing an abstract, event-driven, asynchronous API over
various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP vis Java NIO.

The Apache MINA project website includes resources such as
introductory presentation slides, tutorials, and examples to help you
learn MINA as soon as possible.

The changeLog is provided at the end of this mail

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Quick links:
* Homepage -
* FAQ -
* Testimonials -
* Documentation -
* Performance -

The Apache MINA project team is always open for your feedback.  Please
let us know what you think about MINA via our mailing list and support

Thank you !

Release Notes - MINA - Version 2.0.0

* [DIRMINA-650] - Mina server does not recieve all data sent by client using SSLSocketFactory * [DIRMINA-678] - NioProcessor 100% CPU usage on Linux (epoll selector bug) * [DIRMINA-679] - NullPointerException in ProtocolCodecFilter.filterWrite
    * [DIRMINA-684] - NullPointerException when opening socket to localhost
* [DIRMINA-711] - Adding some logs in the chain make the MDCFilter tests to fail * [DIRMINA-720] - Hardware Flow Control Disables Serial Port on Windows Platform * [DIRMINA-732] - Session Idle events never comes in sessions managed by NioDatagramAcceptor * [DIRMINA-733] - The profile method in the ProfilerTimerFilter can caused more methods to be profiled than intended. * [DIRMINA-742] - When session is closed, DefaultIoFilterChain is in deadlock. * [DIRMINA-746] - DefaultSocketSessionConfig.setReceiveBufferSize(...) throws NullPointerException * [DIRMINA-748] - CachedBufferAllocator does not free buffers when maxCachedBufferSize=0
    * [DIRMINA-749] - Cannot have more than one CODEC in the chain
    * [DIRMINA-753] - Some writes observed to stall until select times out
    * [DIRMINA-755] - IoConnectot.dispose blocks forever
* [DIRMINA-762] - WARN org.apache.mina.core.service.IoProcessor - Create a new selector. Selected is 0, delta = 0
    * [DIRMINA-763] - Errors with Datagram when running tests on linux
    * [DIRMINA-770] - Remove all the new NullPointerException()
    * [DIRMINA-778] - TextLineDecoder not thread safe?


    * [DIRMINA-707] - Add sendfile support to APR transport
    * [DIRMINA-751] - IoBuffer.normalizeCapacity improvement
    * [DIRMINA-754] - Javadoc omission in IoFilterChain#fireMessageSent()
* [DIRMINA-796] - Distribution packages should be named "apache-mina-x.x.x.[zip|tar.gz]
    * [DIRMINA-797] - Binary and source packages should be separate files
* [DIRMINA-798] - Sources in distribution packages requires including the "serial" profile to build


    * [DIRMINA-575] - Add the missing Javadoc, add some comments
* [DIRMINA-708] - Unbound thread growth on discovery attempts : Improve documentation
    * [DIRMINA-756] - Bump up the used jars
* [DIRMINA-757] - Add an entry in FAQ explaining how to correctly close a session and dispose the connector * [DIRMINA-759] - Replace JUnit 3.8 constructions with JUnit 4.7 annotations
    * [DIRMINA-795] - Rework the release process

The Apache MINA PMC.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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