
I'm forwarding this email to the correct list (dev@mina.apache.org).

Ezzat, don't expect a lot of help with this kind of mail ! The description you give is so vague that you can't expect anyone to figure out what can be the real problem.

A bare minimum would be a short example of your code, and also the MINA version you are using.

Thanks for using MINA !

Ezzat AL Hakeem wrote:
Hi Mina's,
          I have developed a server using Apache-Mina. but I when I write a 
cleint code, I faced with a problem. I can't send or receive anything from 
If you want I can send the code please help me ---------------------------------------------------------------Thanks & regards
Ezzat AL Hakeem  Java Developer ( SCJP  &  SCWCD)
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cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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