On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 08:38:02AM +0000, Dennis Byrne wrote:
> I am having trouble getting JIRA to work .
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/BrowseProject.jspa?id=10600
> Mostly getting timeouts about 50% of the time - a lot of 408s and one 409.  
> On one occasion the browser rendered a page full of high ASCI characters.
> I also noticed sometimes when clicking on the 'login' link (upper right), I 
> am not actually taken to the login page, but rather the JIRA home page.  On 
> one occasion, I got a "Server too busy" response .

The server load is currently very high, probably due to an experimental
patch recently applied to fix mod_proxy_ajp problems:


People are looking into the load problem right now, so hopefully it will
be fixed soon.


> Dennis Byrne

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