Hey Jaroslav,

thx for coming up with this. Finally we have webkit presenters Ready (somehoe). 
Very cool. Will have a look into the link, that you posted, soon. I also 
suggest using WebSockets for that, if possible. Will check it later.



Von: Tim Boudreau
Gesendet: Montag, 11. November 2019 06:09
An: dev@netbeans.apache.org
Betreff: Re: Help [WANTED] by skilled JavaScript gurus

You should be using websockets.

The link was too small to read on a phone, so: if Some basic building block
requires the connection to be synchronous, get some new blocks - you're
using the wrong ones.

Having spent years developing a server framework in which NOTHING is
synchronous, I'm pretty sure there are other choices.

If you mean you don't want a single queue of messages, open a bunch of
connections and round-robin them (and have fun sorting them on the other


On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 11:53 AM Jaroslav Tulach <jaroslav.tul...@gmail.com>

> Open letter to Christian Lenz and other skilled HTML and JavaScript guys
> willing to help HTML/Java API to be better.
> The donation of new presenters by DukeHoff has been integrated into
> HTML/Java API version 1.7 - [the javadoc](
> https://bits.netbeans.org/html+java/1.7/) has been kindly generated by
> Eric.
> One of the new presenters is [browser presenter](
> https://bits.netbeans.org/html+java/1.7/org/netbeans/html/presenters/browser/package-summary.html
> ).
> I have found it quite flexible - it starts an HTTP server on a local port
> and let's a browser connect to it. Then it handles all the message passing
> to make sure Java is executed on the server and JavaScript in the browser.
> It has great potential, but...
> The code is a bit unreliable. Take a look at
> https://github.com/apache/netbeans-html4j/blob/master/browser/src/main/java/org/netbeans/html/presenters/browser/Browser.java#L418
> that one seems to open a long polling XHR connection waiting for commands
> from the Java side to be executed in the JavaScript VM. Whenever the
> JavaScript wants to call into Java, it uses another XHR:
> https://github.com/apache/netbeans-html4j/blob/master/browser/src/main/java/org/netbeans/html/presenters/browser/Browser.java#L636
> - it seems to work most of the time, but not always (for example I have not
> got it working on Windows8 IE, only Firefox).
> Work to change the browser<->server connection to be more reliable
> welcomed! Help with identifying/fixing what is wrong welcomed too. Thanks
> in advance for your help, I am not that good in server/browser
> technologies. I don't even know how to properly debug what is happening in
> there - maybe the server accepts too many parallel connections? Maybe each
> client should only have one and share it? How? Etc...
> -jt
> PS: I was thinking of using WebSocket, but alas, the [basic building
> block](
> https://bits.netbeans.org/html+java/dev/net/java/html/js/package-summary.html
> )
> requires the connection from JavaScript to Java to be synchronous and I
> have no idea how to simulate that...
> PPS: ... synchronous XHR is indeed bad, but this one is local call - e.g.
> fast and it works fine on all other supported platforms. Moreover there is
> too much code using `@JavaScriptBody(javacall=true)` which relies on its
> synchronicity. E.g. this direction of thoughts isn't really useful.

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