Some comments below

On 18/9/23 22:56, Jan Lahoda wrote:
On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 10:02 PM Antonio <> wrote:


I.e. the breakpoints from cnd.debugger.common2 would be used in
"cpplite.debugger", which should resolve the MIME type clashes. AFAIK there
used to be two separate debugger implementations, both based on
cnd.debugger.common2, and we probably can have two now. At least until
someone can merge the native image stuff from cpplite.debugger to

That's clever! Maybe worth exploring.

Also, let's imagine that there're no cpplite-specific mime types (just cnd mime-types). Then could this merge of "cnd.debugger.gdb2 + cpplite.debugger" resolve behaviour depending on FileObject's project ownership (instead of MIME-type? Maybe worth exploring?


Regarding CProjectConfigurationProvider, that is the way (API) the location
of compile_commands.json is passed from the project to the editor/LSP
server. So, it does not make much sense to push that into the project. Some
API like this should be near cnd.lsp, unless it already exists. An
implementation of the API should be in the project, replacing the current:

Yes, this CPPLiteCProjectconfigurationProvider could be an SPI in cnd.lsp for projects to implement & include in the project Lookup. That can be done for Make based projects as well, I think.

UnconfiguredHint has two parts: a) a warning the user that there's no
clangd/ccls configured - unless cnd already has something like that, it
probably would be reasonable to have it; and b) that the
compile_commands.json is not configured in the project, and this is cpplite

IIRC the rust cluster displays a NotificationDisplayer + link to Options when misconfigured. That can be reused for a) above.

this "native image debugging" works. Is anyone using this "native image
debugging" functionality? How is it used?

It would be good to know how to do this. I imagine you specify a graalvm generated executable and a set of C source code directories in compile_commands.json and then debug it, right?


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