Hi all,

We're doing pretty well in smoothing the rough edges and moving towards the
final release.

Time for putting some media together -- specifically, there's a "Featured
Demo" on the Welcome screen that was pointing to a dead link and so I made
something small as a placeholder for the moment, and have linked it into
the right location (which can be done externally, i.e., is separate from
the NetBeans sources):


However, the above is really simplistic and too basic.

Maybe, we could have the welcome video be filled with a few seconds of
people from around the world saying things like "Hi, I'm Joe from Munich,
Germany, and I'm really excited about Apache NetBeans because of X, Y, Z"
or "Hello, I'm Jane from New York, and it's great to see that X Y Z etc

And if we had a bunch of about at least 10 of these, of about 20 seconds
each, we could include them in the "Hello Apache NetBeans" clip to give
color to the breadth of the community and the extent of its enthusiasm.

Feedback welcome, including in the form of a short clip to be included.



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