I've only just subscribed to the dev@nifi.apache.org mailing list and today
was my first time even knowing that a thing like 'maling lists' existed. 
Regardless, I'm posting my question in hopes to seek out how you eventually
managed to get your InvokeHTTP Processor to work with SOAP as I have not yet
been able to do so.

I posted my original question on this matter on Stackoverflow  here
. I also referenced this post as it is the only place I am seeing somebody
use the InvokeHTTP with SOAP.

I'm using SOAPUI to verify that everything works and it does as I am getting
the appropriate XML response back. However I am unable to accomplish this in
NiFi. My guess is that I don't know what to call my dynamic properties. I
also don't fully understand what data I would add to the Value of my dynamic


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