I'm having a bit of trouble getting an ActiveMQ v5.14 JMS consumer up and
running over SSL with the new-ish ConsumeJMS processor, and was wondering
if anyone has any pointers on where to start.

ConsumeJMS using a JMSConnectionFactoryProvider configured with a
StandardSSLContextService and the MQ ConnectionFactory Implementation of
"org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory" throws the typical
SSLHandshakeException ("unable to find valid certification path to
requested target") whenever I try to start the consume processor.

However, I'm using that the same StandardSSLContextService for GetJMSTopic
(as well as in other processors) and everything's working fine. I'd like to
switch to ConsumeJMS for its shared resources and expression language
support for the Broker URI, though.

Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting? Has anyone else solved this?

Thanks in advance,

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