I’m hoping to upgrade the my software team’s baseline to use NiFi 1.2.0.  I’m 
having trouble w/ a particular situation of trying to take nifi down.  Prior to 
this version, I’ve been able to use the script w/o sudo rights to kill 
nifi when it has been brought up by a service (systemd, not init.d).
Main points:
1) We have had auto-deploy working via bitbucket pipelines to a staging system 
that has auto deployed all the nifi required files from our baseline (not nifi 
internal configs).
2) The AWS VM that runs nifi autmatically starts up nifi in a service state via 
systemd services.  We masquerade running it as a non-root user w/ sudo rights, 
but do not use those sudo rights as scripts in bitbucket pipelines won’t 
support sudo rights.
3) The deploy script for our staging server that runs nifi attempts to take 
down nifi with a ` stop`, which has worked prior to this version.  The 
newer nifi flow being deployed is manipulated via XSL and then copied in where 
it needs to go before restarting nifi w/ ` start` ; (we stop using 
systemd upon the first deploy to the staging system)
4) I’ve done a diff between the latest and the previous from 
1.1.2 and only see a tiny difference.
5) Our staging server starts up every morning and brings up nifi and related 
services via systemd services.
6) I realize using nifi as an init.d service is more supported than using it as 
a systemd service.  However, we’ve not been able to masquerade as a different 
user properly very well when using init.d.  Having to be root for bitbucket 
pipelines would also be a dealbreaker for us.  Thus, having the service being 
run as a user other than root is important to us.
7) For reference, our systemd service file only deals with calling the RunNiFi 
class and does not bother with the nifi shell script.

1) Would anyone know why a simple “ stop” would no longer kill a 
pre-existing nifi process being run as a systemd service in nifi 1.2.0?
2) We are thinking of attempting a brute force kill that would kill the 
“RunNiFi start” Java process.  We are concerned that not exiting gracefully 
would be really bad for nifi and related nifi repositories.  Would this route 
be recommended anyway in our circumstance?
3) Any further recommendations?


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