So I think this is actually an OODT bug, sending to OODT and CC to DRAT.


so @imesha i think the issue is here

9:55 PM

you actually don’t allow override of the client factory at runtime since at 
this line in RpcCommFactory for workflow

9:55 PM

        InputStream prpFileStream = 
apache/oodt | Added by GitHub

9:55 PM

you force it to load / which is shipped with the JAR

9:55 PM

you can’t override it

9:57 PM

same goes for resource

9:58 PM

you can’t actually override it b/c you load and force the one shipped with the 


Let me know what you think. I think we need to make the client code in OODT 
workflow and resmgr look like the filemgr
client code so that we can actually override it at runtime and not just pick 
the version that shipped with the JAR.



I think we may need a 1.9.1 for this…






From: Chris Mattmann <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 9:45 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] DRAT 1.0 RC2 warnings





One thing I noticed about DRAT 1.0 RC2 after upgrading to OODT 1.9. By default 
XmlRpc is

available, but the behavior of certain functions have changed where we were 
creating the

clients for FM and WM and RM – by default we get Avro ones back now. We should 
be able

to control this via system properties, for example the following 3 properties 
should fix this

problem in $TOMCAT/conf/ (but they only fix it for FM 
client). Any ideas,




# OODT Avro stuff









That fixes the FM client, but the web apps in DRAT’s OPSUI are still creating  
the Avro versions of 

workflow manager client and resource client. What am I doing wrong here?









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