Hello Paul,

we are currently trying to implement red5<->SIP bridge (based on red5
RTMPClient [1])
The client works as expected in "audio only" mode.
It's behavior in "video enabled mode" depends on red5 version:
1) red5 server and client libraries below r4604: video is very unstable it
can work as expected and can fail in a minute, additionally red5 server
displays lots of NullPointerException while RTMP decoding then
OutOfMemoryException while trying to allocate the buffer
2) red5 server and client libraries ==  r4604: no exceptions but video from
red5sip to OM (based on red5 server) is not working (black rectangle).

Since the code is the same (only red5 client/server version is changed) I
suspect maybe the code should be changed somehow? Could you
please suggest anything? (code example, tool or method to debug what is
going on ....)

Thanks in advance!


Maxim aka solomax

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