Hi there, FIRST, let me just say that I am in awe of the work you all do
and really, really, REALLY, appreciate having all of OpenOfffice's tools
available to me.

Sorry, but there is a BUT coming: One of the very few things that MS Word
does better than OpenOffice Writer is that it allows one to do a global
replace of the Shift-Enter character with ^p.

The reason that this is a good thing and would be VERY helpful, is that
when one copies text from an online document, the paragraphs invariably are
made with Shift-Enter.

Example: (unfortch, those dratted little arrow thingees don't show here,
just imagine one at the end of each truncated line:

Danans in the early ages. The terms Sighc, /Sigheog, and Siabhra, were
applied by the Irish to Fairies : hence came the names Sktbhrog, " a fairy
habitation;" Sluagh-Sighe, "the fairy host;" and Bean-Sighe, " a fairy
woman." The fairies were also called by the Irish Deamhain-Aedhiry
signifying "Demons of the Air;" and frequently Daione-Maithe, meaning
*' the good people" — being so denominated for fear of giving them offence,
dreading their power%

 As one can see, fort of, it's tedious in the extreme to replace each of
these characters individually in order for the text to flow properly.
Thank you for your time and for this great suite of tools.

Kind regards,

Cara Johnson

Dublin, Ireland

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