Thank you very much, Andrea!  The tip in that User Profile 
tutorial seemed to work at first, but then I experienced 
another crash of the AOO program.  At present, it does 
not seem to be as bad as before.  I experience fewer 
program crashes than before.  I wish this could be 
resolved completely.  It's frustrating to be working on 
something and then having to restore the program. I 
still have to re-enter the password, but so far I haven't 
had to do a full reset of the password. 
Thank you again, so much, for responding and helping! 
Yours very truly, 
In a message dated 11/14/2012 3:08:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

On  13/11/2012 Painius wrote:
> then I should notify all of you to see if  someone
> else has the problem and possibly a solution.  His tip  did
> not keep AOO from crashing, so here goes...

Frequent  crashes are often due to the first of our Known  Issues:

Apache  OpenOffice 3.4.0 and 3.4.1 manage the user profile differently 
than  previous versions. The old user profile is automatically converted 
so that  users can keep their extensions and settings. In a minority of 
cases,  especially with highly customized profiles (many extensions or  
customizations) the conversion doesn't succeed. Common symptoms are:  
frequent application crashes, problems with dictionaries or thesaurus,  
OpenOffice starting and crashing after a few seconds. To solve this,  
just reset/rename your user profile as explained in the official  
OpenOffice forum.


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