I'd been using 4.0.1 with no problems and have used previous versions for years with no problem. The new version could not find either of my two installed printers the previous version had been using before.
It also would not let me save to the desktop when I wanted to.

Fortunately i do have M$ Ofiice on board too, having got an outdated version cheap.

I have uninstalled 4.1.0, and reinstalled 4.0.1, and all is functional again.

No, I don't want to muck around with your forum, or with Bugzilla, let alone create alog in on Bugzilla to give you feedback.
That's why I've sent it this way...

This is on an i5 running W7 Pro 32 bit.
I shall not "update" my i7 laptop (W8 Pro 64 bit).

Ray Taylor
PO Box 1144 Stirling
South Australia 5152

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