Here are updates of the downloads for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1, now that 4.1.2 
is being distributed by the mirror system.

>From Sourceforge,

Just shy of 50,000,000 downloads.  This number will be exceeded as older 
versions will still continue downloading, although at an ever-decreasing rate.

   87.7% for Windows
    9.0% for Macintosh (0.1% small drop from end of August)
    3.3% for everything else, including Linux

For the different countries in the same period (53.6 million for all 
distributions, not just 4.1.1), the breakdown can be found here: 

It is cool that there were 3 to Antartica: 2 for Windows, 1 for Macintosh.

 - Dennis

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis E. Hamilton []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 18:38
> To:
> Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Apache OpenOffice ODF in the Marketplace -
> Downloading
> Here is a rough, top-level view of Apache OpenOffice by the operating
> systems it is downloaded for.  This should be no surprise.  To have some
> grounding on the immediate situation, here are the downloading
> statistics of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 so far.
> From Sourceforge,
> <
> os?dates=2014-08-01+to+2015-08-31>.
> Of the 41 million downloads that have occurred since release of 4.1.1,
> until the end of August,
>     87.7% are for Windows
>      9.1% are for Macintosh
>      3.2% is everything else, including Linux
> We know some sources of noise, but the overall picture is very clear and
> very decisive.
> For example, some users download multiple times as a form of (usually-
> unsuccessful) trouble-shooting.  We know about that because the next
> step for some is to come to the forums or one of our mailing lists after
> those attempts fail.
> There are also folks who download for use by multiple people and there
> may be some distribution via package installers that are not visible
> here.  That can't change the high-level pattern by much in the case of
> AOO.
> The overall pattern of downloads, with no separation by version, can be
> seen in the chart from 2012-10-01 (around when Apache OpenOffice became
> an official top-level project) to 2015-08-31.  You can see consistent
> seasonal variation and also detect when new releases were introduced,
> <
> ne?dates=2012-10-01+to+2015-08-31>.
> A more interesting statistic to notice, apart from the perpetual
> dominance of Windows and Macintosh users in the AOO "marketplace" is the
> fact that only about 16-17% of the downloads occur in the United States.
> The SourceForge statistics are easy to operate with.  For refined
> analysis there are datasets and analysis scripts that Rob Weir has
> provided at <
> stats/>.
> What is more difficult to determine is what folks are actually doing
> with Apache OpenOffice.  There may be ways to learn more.
>  - Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis E. Hamilton []
> Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 20:01
> To:
> Subject: [DISCUSS] Apache OpenOffice ODF in the Marketplace
> I had not encountered the topic of "ODF in the market place" with regard
> to status of Apache OpenOffice.  Perhaps I have not been paying
> attention.
> I am curious how we might characterize how support for ODF matters to
> Apache OpenOffice users and various institutions that value support for
> ODF in their reliance on Apache OpenOffice and related software.
> How can we determine what the influence of ODF is with respect to Apache
> OpenOffice?
> It strikes me there are two parts to this question.
>  1. Who are the users of Apache OpenOffice?
>  2. What are the ways ODF is (comparatively) significant to those users?
> [ ... ]
> Although there are now over 150 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice,
> that does not tell us how many individual users are involved.
> Perhaps the download counts just for AOO 4.1.1 would be a representable
> sample of a particularly-active segment of the user base, even though
> that would be underestimated a couple of ways.  But that, and the
> average weekly rate would be useful as "at least" figures.
> The mix of platforms for those downloads is also important, reflecting
> the context in which those installed downloads are used by new users and
> those who are keeping their configurations current.
> [ ... ]
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