I have had a problem building sysui on ubuntu, it comes up with an error
directory $(MISC)$/$(@:b) had the wrong permission (needed 755 < x < 775
and got 757)

I traced the problem to the makefile.mk, please see the diff:

Index: makefile.mk
--- makefile.mk    (revision 1413582)
+++ makefile.mk    (working copy)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
     -$(RM) $(@:d)$(@:f:s/_/ /:1)_*
     $(RM) -r $(MISC)$/$(@:b)
     dmake $(MISC)$/$(@:b)$/DEBIAN$/{control postinst postrm prerm}
-    @chmod -R g-w $(MISC)$/$(@:b)
+    @chmod -R o-w $(MISC)$/$(@:b)
     @chmod a+rx $(MISC)$/$(@:b)$/DEBIAN $(MISC)/$(@:b)/DEBIAN/post*
     @chmod g-s $(MISC)/$(@:b)/DEBIAN
     @mkdir -p $(PKGDIR)

Can somebody please verify my change, before I commit it ?

thanks in advance.
Jan I.

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