30 July 2013
Dear people at Open Office,

I will try and keep this simple, I have a suggestion for a feature for your 
spreadsheet package. (I have no idea which email to send my suggestion to, so I 
am sending it here, Please pass it on to the correct department). 

This is for a planning function, All it requires is the ability to rotate a 
spreadsheet about 30-60 degrees counter-clockwise.
Perhaps you are familiar with Gantt charts as a planning aid. Below is one I 
copied from the internet, (© Ralph Lengler & Martin J. Eppler). You will notice 
that there is a lot of wasted space in the top-right and bottom-left corners. 
rotating it would just make it easier to print out and display.

to show what I mean, I did the following... (using Coreldraw, sorry, I am not 
prepared to spend days learning the open-office drawing package, just to draw 
one diagram).

The chart above describes a set project with a decisive start and finish. The 
system would have more use where planning is required for a continuous process, 
(the number of 'items' stretches indefinitely,)

Perhaps it may be easier to achieve the same, by extending the print function, 
by selecting the relevant cells, rotating them to a suitable angle then 
printing (or displaying).
As i said, just a suggestion.

regards Dave Patel.

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