The issue for Red has been resolved by using AOO 4.1.9 to create new Avery 
(blank and custom printed labels) templates. The original templates that were 
created with AOO 3.2.0 would not print with his HP 8035 printer.

"I have been trying to print old text and LABEL files, made by the old version 
of OO (V.3.2.0).  They would not print, as told previously."

"Today,  I created a new LABEL sheet, using only the 4.1.9 new Avery templates; 
these new versions do print as they should."

Original Message:
From: red <>
Sent: Monday, 8 March 2021 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: OpenOfffice does not work with HP 8035 printer

Thanks for your response.  BTDT.  Resetting the user profile has been 
suggested, and I did that several times before.
See UPDATE at the bottom, here.

Previous Open Office was V.3.2.0, which was fine with both my old Windows XP 
Home and the new Windows 10 Pro.  OO v.4.9.1 was running well here for months, 
until the new HP printer was needed.  Then Open Office would not print on the 
new printer.  All other programs that I have can print on the new HP-8035e.  HP 
tech support says my printer installation, drivers, spooler, et c. are all good.

I have never reset the User profile before in OO.  I did not delete the old 
user profile.  I just re-named the User folder, so I could go back to it if 
necessary.  The program created a new User folder, as expected, and the printer 
immediately printed the first file I tried with OO, but only *once,* and now I 
am back to "no printing" there.  I tried making a new User profile again, 
twice, and got nothing out of the printer either time.  The "one-print" success 
in OO with the first new User profile makes me believe there is a strange 
glitch here.

Any file I try to print with OO can be seen going to the printer (via the 
Progress bar), and the printer icon at the bottom of the screen reports "one 
file pending" for a few seconds, then "zero files pending" for the printer, but 
no printing happens.

Replacing my original User folder did not help; Since I still have the same 
problem, using the new User folder, I am curious how that may help.  Both the 
new and old User folders would seem to have the same "errors," if the problem 
really starts there.  The old User folder was created by V. 3.2.0 and the new 
User folder was created by 4.9.1 and both have the same issue, no printing.

UPDATE:  I deleted a lot of personal stuff from the User folder files, made a 
new User folder, and re-installed the printer and drivers.  Somewhere along the 
line, I grabbed a common text file, not made by OO, and it printed as it 
should.  That is new & exciting!  ;-)  It has not done that before!  Now I have 
realized an answer, maybe a good one.  I have been trying to print old text and 
LABEL files, made by the old version of OO.  They would not print, as told 
previously.  Since these labels are an important part of my printer usage, I 
have been reluctant to ditch them, but now I believe I will have to do that.  
Today,  I created a new LABEL sheet, using only the 4.9.1 new Avery templates; 
these new versions do print as they should.  I will be busy with Cut & Paste 
when I need my older labels, making the new versions on new templates, but my 
printing problem seems to be solved now.  Some rabbit holes just have too many 
branching paths, and I went down a lot of them.

Thank you for your time and attention, for this glitch.  I had suspected the 
problem was simple, but elusive.  Since the new OO version could put the files 
on the screen, I thought it would be able to print them.  One too many 
assumptions, here.  Anyway, thanks again.


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