Re: [DISCUSS] #1 New PMC Chair (was RE: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice)

2015-01-25 Thread Andrea Pescetti

On 25/01/2015 Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

It seems there are two factors in presenting candidacy for Chair,
anda bigger question.

Even if every attempt to rationalize discussions has failed so far, I 
prefer that we try to focus on one thing at a time for once... We are 
agreeing that this is the order in which we will do things, and jumping 
immediately into a discussion reiterates the bad habit I'd like us to 
avoid this time.

1. Does the candidate appreciate and accept the responsibilities of
being accountable to the Board and serving as Apache Vice President

This has already been discussed at length and it must be clear.

2. What else do folks expect of a candidate?

Personal expectations don't matter. We are electing a Chair as defined 
by the ASF.

And finally, who has their hat in the ring? That is, who are
nominating themselves or are at least willing to be nominated?  ...
 [potential] candidates need to work on that with the community
so we can get the job done this time.

I'll try to make sure we get the job done. So I take responsibility to 
move forward as soon as I see that we have agreement on the schedule.


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[NOMINATION] Dennis Hamilton for Apache OpenOffice PMC Chair

2015-01-25 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
It's my birthday and it just seemed a good idea to move the needle on Priority 
#1.  I'm rather uncomfortable about self-nomination yet I figure the 
conversations and discussion are of value.

I hereby nominate myself as the replacement for Andrea Pescetti as Apache 
OpenOffice PMC Chair.

  My promise, if selected, is to faithfully deliver on the responsibilities of 
a PMC Chair as required of an Officer of the Foundation.


  With regard to the PMC, which I am not a member of, my promise is to serve as 
an effective member of that community and with particular attention to PMC 
responsibilities to the Foundation but also to the cultivation of a 
sustainable, thriving project.  
  As an AOO committer, my personal itch is around intake of new developers and 
reducing the friction and learning curve that goes with that.  I am also 
personally committed to furthering the interoperability among ODF-supporting 
products of all kinds in whatever ways that works for Apache OpenOffice.  I 
have been training to become more involved in the code, as slow as I am at 
that.  I am also interested in how user support can be broadened and materials 
brought current and highly-available.


Folks who've been here since OpenOffice came to the ASF will recall that I was 
a member of the PPMC and did not continue after graduation to a Top Level 
Project.  On the PPMC I was an initial committer and I contributed to 
administrative activities for some mailing lists, intake of new committers and 
PPMC members.  I was particularly pleased to participate in the preservation of 
the OpenOffice Forums.

I have no difficulty with administrative, procedural, and policy matters.  My 
departure was more from recognition that I was not equipped to work on the code 
and that I did not just want to continue as an administrative resource.  I also 
left the OASIS ODF TC around the same time.

Meanwhile, I engaged in some training, including in security and cryptography, 
an interest of mine with respect to document privacy.  Last year I became 
interested in change-tracking and I'm currently putting the final touches on 
two workshop papers I presented last September.  I also did some course-work in 
software development and I am continuing that.  

It was renewed interest in tracked changes and other aspects of ODF 
interoperability that brought me back to following AOO lists.  My participation 
has increased to the current level over the past few months.  I also joined the 
Apache Corinthia Incubator as an initial committer and PPMC member of that 
newborn podling.


I wrote my first line of code when I was 19.  That was in May, 1958.  I went 
through the usual progression of development from programmer to becoming a lead 
developer on what we called systems software, including assemblers, compilers 
and utilities for the machines of the time.  I also did some 
programming-language design work.  I had the good fortune to work at Sperry 
Univac, in Seattle, New York City, and Blue Bell Pennsylvania during the peak 
of Grace Hopper's presence there.  Although she knew me, I did not do much 
directly with her (although I graded papers for her once when she was teaching 
a course in the Wharton School). Later I became a consultant, and after two 
tours at Xerox Corporation, serving as a software architect and technical-staff 
member, first in Rochester, New York, and finally in Palo Alto, I retired at 
the end of 1998.  I recommend retirement as a career.

I began working in industry standards when ASCII was a new-born and ALGOL 60 
was expected to revolutionize programming.  Document formats became of interest 
while I was at Xerox and I participated in development of consortium agreements 
for document management.  Most of my internal work in my later Xerox years was 
around interoperability provisions of various kinds.  I dug into OOXML and ODF 
only after my retirement when those standardization efforts were moving along.  
There are words of mine in both of those specifications.


Most of us are only acquainted on the Internet and, while I have met others on 
AOO, those occasions are rare and fleeting.

More than that, I want to offer, in my nomination, an opportunity to say what 
doesn't work with regard to me personally.  I welcome that.  And please express 
more of what is wanted from the Project that is not happening and how any 
contributors are expected, not just the PMC and its Chair, to make a difference 
with respect to the expectations this community has.

I respect all feedback and discussion and I will still be here whatever the 
outcome of this Priority #1 activity happens to be.  I am not attached to being 
PMC Chair.  I am offering to take on those duties as a means for us to move 
forward onto other priority challenges for the Project.

 -- Dennis E. Hamilton

Re: [DISCUSS] Qt as a replacement for VCL

2015-01-25 Thread Louis Suárez-Potts

> On 22 Jan 2015, at 23:05, Dennis E. Hamilton  wrote:
> I just ran into a great little project, Kivy.  
> I am not making a serious proposal about a GUI framework, although Kivy is 
> interesting in that regard.
> What I find more appealing is the project organization and the quality of the 
> documentation.
> The project repository is on GitHub, of course: 
> .  
> To get some sense of it I looked into the doc/ folder there.  First 
> impression: All open-source documentation should be this good.  Go here: 
> .  Try out the architectural overview that is 
> mentioned in the introduction.  The next page on the events and properties 
> has a juicy diagram too.
> I have no idea how or whether this is similar to VCL.  I'm just admiring Kivy 
> with no particular context in mind.  

Thanks for pointing us to this project. (Actually, thanks, too, at least from 
me, and very sincerely—a phrase that normally suggests its obverse—for posting 
your rumination on AOO in the world, which I'll be not-quite-savaging shortly. 
Actually, not savaging it at all. :-) )

A few points on this Kivy….

* What it is, from GitHub: 

Innovative User Interfaces Made Easy.

Kivy is a Python framework for the development of multi-touch enabled media 
rich applications. The aim is to allow for quick and easy interaction design 
and rapid prototyping whilst making your code reusable and deployable.

Kivy is written in Python and Cython, based on OpenGL ES 2, supports various 
input devices and has an extensive widget library. With the same codebase, you 
can target Windows, OSX, Linux, Android and iOS. All our widgets are built with 
multitouch support.

Kivy is MIT licensed, actively developed by a great community and is supported 
by many projects managed by the Kivy organisation.

* The docs are indeed remarkably good. But so is the architecture of the 
project and I must assume the code itself that does things. There are several 
good things in Kivy that I wish we had more clearly laid out on OpenOffice. 
These include philosophy, architecture, and other useful abstractions. In 
addition to the docs page you cite, there’s also O’Reilly; see:

* I’m particularly taken with the philosophy page 
(, as it explains the raison 
d’être of the project. And it’s not just marketing churn. (A similar, 
persuasive claim is made with the Meteor project, in its assertion of utility 
over Angular JS, which remains overwhelmingly popular.)

* I can’t weigh in on whether it would be a good replacement for VCL or even an 
alternative. The claims made by Kivy, however, suggest that its use would open 

* One conceivable drawback is that Kivy also uses "Kivy Language, for creating 
sophisticated user interfaces[,]" though it does not seem to be required for 
creating naive UIs. Kivy is in Python and their conference presentations seem 
to be mostly at PyCons. One might wonder about the use of Python for something 
claiming speed as a virtue. They answer that worry in their Project FAQ. See

* Kivy is still new. It doesn’t seem to have a Wikipedia entry (Ye Gods!)—nor 
does it seem to have a separate foundation supporting activity; Google Groups 
and GitHub seem to do the job. There also does not seem to be any major 
sponsor. Actually, from these points one could draw the line suggesting a 
nearly perfect open source project, at least in the international, 
direct-democratic/meritocratic and kind of friendly sense. But nothing this 
side of the Eden is perfect, so I’m probably missing something. :-)

* Did you contact the Kivy Project? The website is at . 

* Finally, one thing I discovered earlier was that "fun" projects that could be 
useful but need not be are excellent ways to include more contributors.


> - Dennis
> -Original Message-
> From: Louis Suárez-Potts [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 11:54
> To:; Dennis E. Hamilton
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Qt as a replacement for VCL
> [ ... ]
>   I'm just using this to stay on the thread.
> -
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[Bugzilla] Please add version 4.1.2 to Target field

2015-01-25 Thread Andrea Pescetti
Resending again with modified subject line. Bugzilla admins, if you need 
more admins in the team just call for help.


On 14/01/2015 Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Resending since it was probably overlooked and two weeks passed. We need
4.1.2 in Bugzilla, at least in the "Target" field.

On 29/12/2014 Andrea Pescetti wrote:

(I'm BCCing the QA list for information)

So we want to release 4.1.2. The main feature will be warning-free
digitally signed installers under Windows. Other bugfixes may be
included as well, provided we can fix them soon, in a safe way and
provided they are of some significance. As explained, translation fixes
and (English) string fixes cannot be included.

First someone with Bugzilla admin privileges should add "4.1.2" to the
"Target Milestone" field in Bugzilla. I would not add a flag to request
a blocker, unless someone prefers to have it too.  ...

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Re: Reporting broken download link

2015-01-25 Thread Marcus

Am 01/25/2015 06:59 PM, schrieb Bob Fain:

Tried downloading but error message said can't download because of
iOS(?). My device is a HTC m8 running on W8.1.
What's up? I am sending you a copy of the table and a couple of screen
shots. Hope this helps. Would like to download program. It works for me😊.

for you information:

The webpage has recognized your used system from the user-agent data of 
the used browser:

navigator.userAgent  Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 
4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; HTC; HTC6995LVW) 
like iPhone OS 7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile 

So, the usable data is "Android", "ARM" and "iPhone". Unfortunatelly, 
the "iPhone" term is seen as last and therefore an error message with 
"... Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod is not supported ..." is shown.

Finally - as Dennis already mentioned - OpenOffice is not working on any 
mobile OS but only on desktop OSs.



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Re: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice

2015-01-25 Thread Jörg Schmidt
> From: Andrea Pescetti [] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 9:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice
> Marcus wrote:
> > Am 01/24/2015 06:56 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> >> 4) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice 
> as part of a
> >> larger ecosystem, so what we can do in terms of 
> collaboration with other
> >> projects that are from Apache or from outside Apache.
> > For me this is no thing that can be solved short-term. 
> Furthermore, we
> > should first solve the internal things to be able/ready to 
> think about
> > external affairs.
> I'll clarify it once again. My proposal means exactly that 
> people do not 
> bring up these issues while we discuss the previous ones in 
> the list, to 
> avoid long discussions that ultimately block the project.
> > It's a partly "yes". ;-)
> > My order would be #1, #2, #3, #5 (however some can/should be done in
> > parallel) and when that all is done #4.
> Yes, #5 (release) would be discussed in parallel. This is not 
> an issue. 
> The issue is if this becomes a blocker. I want everybody to be clear 
> that if we have consensus here we won't be able to accept objections 
> like "Before electing a new Chair we must release OpenOffice 4.1.2".
> Taking into account the different opinions expressed so far, I'm now 
> seeing a certain agreement on:
> 1) Election a new PMC Chair ...
> 2) Internal reorganization: people say what they are going to do to 
> drive the project forward ...
> Later) Re-alignment between PMC and active community ...
> Later) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice 
> as part of 
> a larger ecosystem ...
> Later) Release OpenOffice 4.1.2 ...
> The "Later" items need not be done in this order. What 
> matters is that 
> nobody should push their completion as priorities over #1 and #2.
> Can we agree on this simplified version, so that we can take 
> the first 
> steps?

OK for me

I'm not a PMC member (I mention this because you wrote: "I'm asking for 
consensus, Especially from PMC members ...")


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Re: Celebrating 15 years of open source success -- ApacheCon NA!

2015-01-25 Thread Andrea Pescetti

Kay Schenk wrote:

I haven't received any messages privately and, looking at the CFP
submissions, nothing has been submitted for OpenOffice.  The involvement of
OpenOffice  at ApacheConEU in November was good,  Since then, we've been
going through a bit of a reorganization.  This has probably contributed to
the lack of involvement in ApacheConNA in Austin.  Unless enough proposals
are submitted today, I don't think we'll have a track at ApacheConNA in
April. Should we notify someone?

The main issue is that volunteers from North America have been silent so 
far on who is attending the conference. Many people are perfectly 
qualified to give a talk, but they need to be at the conference! Again: 
if someone is attending (or considering to attend) please let us know 
and we might accept some last-minute submissions. Deadline is February 1st.

I already notified dev@community that at best we'll be able to allocate 
talks for a one-day track (5-6 talks).


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HTC One m8 (was RE: Reporting broken download link)

2015-01-25 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
Bob, images aren’t forwarded to this list.
The error message is apparently misleading.
The problem is that you are running Windows *Phone* 8.1 on an ARM processor (of 
the HTC One m8). 
The Apache OpenOffice project does not provide a version for Windows Phone and 
attempting to download from will fail.
The only software available for your Windows Phone is to be found in the 
Marketplace app on the HTC One.  
How and where are you using Apache OpenOffice already?  
You might be able to work with the Microsoft Office applications that are 
included on the HTC One and interchange with OpenOffice by accessing them from 
where they are stored automatically (in Microsoft Office format) on Microsoft 
OneDrive.  You may have to settle for using .doc, .ppt, and .xsl formats in 
order to continue using the documents from your HTC One m8.  Or you can use a 
browser to work with your HTC One documents using Microsoft Office web 
applications that will also work on your documents on OneDrive.  That’s true 
for OneNote documents too and there is a free version of OneNote for the 
Windows desktop if you use a Windows computer.
- Dennis
PS: For any follow-up, please reply to users @ where 
other experts may have advice and others can learn the solutions to common 
problems.  The OpenOffice Forums have an extensive knowledge base at as well.
From: Bob Fain [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 10:00
Subject: Reporting broken download link
Tried downloading but error message said can't download because of iOS(?). My 
device is a HTC m8 running on W8.1.
What's up? I am sending you a copy of the table and a couple of screen shots. 
Hope this helps. Would like to download program. It works for me😊.

Re: Celebrating 15 years of open source success -- ApacheCon NA!

2015-01-25 Thread Kay Schenk
On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 5:41 AM, Andrea Pescetti 

> On 15/01/2015 Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> On 29/12/2014 Kay Schenk wrote:
>>> Participate in
>>> ApacheConNA in Austin, TX, April 13-15, 2015, ...
>>> A suggested list of topics can be found at:
>>> action?pageId=50855951
>>> Proposals can be submitted until Feb. 1, 2015 via the following link :
>>> america/program/cfp
>> We started with 10 talks, but we'll have to downsize if we don't have
>> enough speakers. So, please, take your time to see if you could present
>> one of the following talks
> Still no volunteers? For a start, who is planning to be in Austin?
> Deadline for submissions is in one week. If you are planning to attend,
> please definitely consider to pick a talk from the ones below (or propose
> your own): speakers can also attend the conference for free.
>  1 State: A perspective of our first 15 years, and the current state of
>> the project
>> 2 Future: Outlook for OpenOffice, 2015 and beyond
>> 3 Development: Significant recent or foreseen technical improvements in
>> OpenOffice; the architecture of OpenOffice as it relates to open source
>> development/maintenance.
>> 3a Improvements to core code (Modules vs complete "office" suite)
>> 3b Improvements to the development process (IDEs, etc.)
>> 3c Improvements to core libraries, etc.
>> 3d Incorporating other open source products or ideas
>> 4 Localization: L10N community, translation, Pootle server
>> 5 QA: Quality assurance processes, Bugzilla, bug triaging, testing tools
>> 6 Documentation and Marketing: Documentation, Trademarks, OpenOffice
>> Reputation, OpenOffice in the Press (Documentation and Marketing could
>> also be split)
>> 7 ODF: The relationship of the ODF standard and OpenOffice. How did this
>> standard contribute to making OpenOffice open source?
>> 8 Adoption: How did making OpenOffice open source contribute to its
>> adoption by business enterprises; Migration use cases.
>> 9 Ecosystem: A panel of OpenOffice downstream users (Symphony,
>> NeoOffice,  LibreOffice,  Go-oo) discussing their use of OpenOffice code
>> and what they've contributed back.
>> 10 Mobile: How desktop based office systems will adopt to responsive
>> design in mobile devices  ...
>> We can wait a few days, even a week, but then we'll have to cut the
>> topics we can't cover.
> At this point, we would have to cut the whole track, unless Kay received
> some answers to the announce@ post. I haven't looked in the submissions
> system, so if you submitted something in the last 10 days there (or if you
> do in future) make sure to send a note here too.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.

I haven't received any messages privately and, looking at the CFP
submissions, nothing has been submitted for OpenOffice.  The involvement of
OpenOffice  at ApacheConEU in November was good,  Since then, we've been
going through a bit of a reorganization.  This has probably contributed to
the lack of involvement in ApacheConNA in Austin.  Unless enough proposals
are submitted today, I don't think we'll have a track at ApacheConNA in

Should we notify someone?

> -
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"An old horse for a long, hard road,
 a young pony for a quick ride."
-- Texas Bix Bender

Reporting broken download link

2015-01-25 Thread Bob Fain
Tried downloading but error message said can't download because of iOS(?). My 
device is a HTC m8 running on W8.1.
What's up? I am sending you a copy of the table and a couple of screen shots. 
Hope this helps. Would like to download program. It works for me😊.

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Reporting broken download link

2015-01-25 Thread Bob Fain
Tried to download to my HTC m8.  running Win 8.1 with no luck. I COPED
Browser variables


navigator.appCodeName  Mozilla 
navigator.appName  Netscape 
navigator.appVersion  5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; 
Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; HTC; HTC6995LVW) like iPhone OS 
7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537 
navigator.platform  ARM 
navigator.oscpu  undefined 
navigator.cpuClass  ARM 
navigator.product  Gecko 
navigator.productSub  undefined 
navigator.vendorSub  undefined 
navigator.language  en-US 
navigator.browserLanguage  en-US 
navigator.userLanguage  en-US 
navigator.systemLanguage  en-US 
navigator.userAgent  Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; 
Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; HTC; HTC6995LVW) like iPhone OS 
7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537 
Debian / Ubuntu / IceWeasel ? No / No / No 

Stable Release


JavaScript functions/variables


Language ISO code  en-US 
Language ISO code (from select box)  en-US 
Release matrix platform position (full)  -1 
Release matrix platform position (lp)  -1 
Release matrix platform array data   
Release matrix language array data  en-US,English (US),English 
UI platform name  Windows (EXE) 
UI platform name (not supported)   
Platform (short)  win32 
URL platform name (full)   
URL platform name (lp)   
URL platform name (from select box)  win32 
Version (from select box)  4.1.1 
File name (full)   
File name (lp)   
File extension  .exe 
File size (full) (MByte)  -1 
File size (lp) (MByte)  -1 
Release info   
Download file link (full)   
Download file link (lp)   
Checksum file link (full) (here for MD5)   
Checksum file link (lp) (here for MD5)   
Base URL to   
Base URL to Apache Archive   
getLinkSelection() (download URL)  undefined 
isLanguageSupported() (true/false) ?  true 
Show the sub-box (true/false) ?  true 
General error (true/false) ?  false 

RE: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice

2015-01-25 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
Yes, #1 and #2 in order.  Then we'll deal with ##3-5 (whatever the ordering)

-Original Message-
From: Andrea Pescetti [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 00:26
Subject: Re: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice

[ ... ]

Taking into account the different opinions expressed so far, I'm now 
seeing a certain agreement on:
1) Election a new PMC Chair ...
2) Internal reorganization: people say what they are going to do to 
drive the project forward ...
Later) Re-alignment between PMC and active community ...
Later) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice as part of 
a larger ecosystem ...
Later) Release OpenOffice 4.1.2 ...

The "Later" items need not be done in this order. What matters is that 
nobody should push their completion as priorities over #1 and #2.

Can we agree on this simplified version, so that we can take the first 


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RE: [DISCUSS] #1 New PMC Chair (was RE: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice)

2015-01-25 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
It seems there are two factors in presenting candidacy for Chair, and a bigger 

 1. Does the candidate appreciate and accept the responsibilities of being 
accountable to the Board and serving as Apache Vice President for OpenOffice.  
(The available descriptions are a bit abstract.  I suspect there is some 
On-the-Job training.  It seems to me that the key responsibility has to do with 
the legal umbrella that the Foundation provides and how it applies to Apache 
Projects, their committers, and the PMC.  Then there's having a finger on the 
pulse of the Project and attending to its sustainability and operating within 
the few but specific constraints that are part of being an Apache Project.)

 2. What else do folks expect of a candidate?  In the last [DISCUSS] and [VOTE] 
there are apparently other expectations and criteria.  That needs to be 
expressed and explained, not even so much by candidates but by the folks who 
seem to have strong preferences.  We also need to determine whether that has 
anything to do with the responsibilities of the Chair and see if they should be 
treated separately as matters of emergent leadership and not a Chair duty.  For 
example, topic #2 on promoting action is a PMC responsibility as Andrea reports 

And finally, who has their hat in the ring?  That is, who are nominating 
themselves or are at least willing to be nominated?  We need some way to 
calibrate expectations and clarifying what is appropriate to expect before we 
take another run at a [VOTE], and [potential] candidates need to work on that 
with the community so we can get the job done this time.

 -- Dennis E. Hamilton  PGP F96E 89FF D456 628A
X.509 certs used and requested for signed e-mail


 -- in reply to --
From: Andrea Pescetti [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2015 15:45
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] #1 New PMC Chair (was RE: Short-term priorities for 

Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
[ ... ]

>  It might be unwise to inject responsibilities for the Chair
>  that are not the responsibilities of any and every PMC member

Indeed. We elect a Chair as the officer who connects OpenOffice and 
Apache. But project governance in the hands of the PMC, not of the 
Chair, so setting directions belongs on item #2.


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Re: [DISCUSS] #1 New PMC Chair (was RE: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice)

2015-01-25 Thread Dave Fisher

On Jan 24, 2015, at 3:20 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

> Andrea proposes election of a new PMC Chair as the #1 short-term priority.  
> Here are some discussion points.
>Once the AOO Project has selected a candidate to be the AOO PMC 
>Chair, a motion must be taken to the ASF Board for their election
>of the proposed Chair.  That ratification, or its rejection,
>happens at a Board Meeting 
>The template motion is at 
>(accessible by ASF Committers).
>The next meeting of the board is at 2014-02-18T18:30Z.  A motion
>to the board would be posted at least two days before that.  An
>appropriate time for balloting would be from 2014-02-09T20:00Z
>to around 2014-02-15T00:00Z (midnight), for example.  If that's
>too soon, then in time for March.
>The March meeting is at 2014-03-18T18:30Z.
>The April meeting is at 2014-04-15T18:30Z and the quarterly 
>report of the AOO PMC is required in advance of that meeting.
>This is presumably the first report provided by the new Chair. 
>The Chair will be made a Member of the ASF if not one already.

This is incorrect. The Board is NOT empowered to elect Members. Members elect 
the Board. The Membership MAY nominate and elect the Chair to be a Foundation 
Member, but that is up to the Members at a member's meeting. 


>The Chair will be an Officer of the ASF, the Vice President 
>For OpenOffice.  See
>Apart from the Chair's responsibilities with respect to the
>Foundation, the Chair has the same responsibilities on the 
>PMC as any PMC member. 
>(I note in the bylaws of the ASF that the terms of the Chair
>and of the PMC members are stated to be one year.  I don't
>believe that's quite how it is being done.)
>A number of other expectations concerning what the Project
>expects of a Chair have been presented on the AOO dev list.
>It is useful to discuss what those are and what sort of
>commitment is expected.  
>It might be unwise to inject responsibilities for the Chair 
>that are not the responsibilities of any and every PMC member,
>since the Chair serves the project as a volunteer as do the
>PMC, committers, and contributors of all forms.  
> -Original Message-
> From: Andrea Pescetti [] 
> Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2015 09:56
> To:
> Subject: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice
> I see five short-term (say, something that must be either done or put 
> towards completion by end of February) priorities for OpenOffice as a 
> project. They overlap, and we, especially the PMC, need to agree on how 
> to order them, otherwise we risk pulling in different directions and 
> mutually blocking the initiatives from others.
> 1) Election a new PMC Chair (the Chair has one, and clearly defined, 
> role: being the liaison officer between the OpenOffice PMC and Apache; 
> he/she can do much more, and I have been doing much more and I'll still 
> continue with the rest; but this is not part of the Chair duties).
> [ ... ]
> -
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Re: Celebrating 15 years of open source success -- ApacheCon NA!

2015-01-25 Thread Andrea Pescetti

On 15/01/2015 Andrea Pescetti wrote:

On 29/12/2014 Kay Schenk wrote:

Participate in
ApacheConNA in Austin, TX, April 13-15, 2015, ...
A suggested list of topics can be found at:
Proposals can be submitted until Feb. 1, 2015 via the following link :

We started with 10 talks, but we'll have to downsize if we don't have
enough speakers. So, please, take your time to see if you could present
one of the following talks

Still no volunteers? For a start, who is planning to be in Austin? 
Deadline for submissions is in one week. If you are planning to attend, 
please definitely consider to pick a talk from the ones below (or 
propose your own): speakers can also attend the conference for free.

1 State: A perspective of our first 15 years, and the current state of
the project
2 Future: Outlook for OpenOffice, 2015 and beyond
3 Development: Significant recent or foreseen technical improvements in
OpenOffice; the architecture of OpenOffice as it relates to open source
3a Improvements to core code (Modules vs complete "office" suite)
3b Improvements to the development process (IDEs, etc.)
3c Improvements to core libraries, etc.
3d Incorporating other open source products or ideas
4 Localization: L10N community, translation, Pootle server
5 QA: Quality assurance processes, Bugzilla, bug triaging, testing tools
6 Documentation and Marketing: Documentation, Trademarks, OpenOffice
Reputation, OpenOffice in the Press (Documentation and Marketing could
also be split)
7 ODF: The relationship of the ODF standard and OpenOffice. How did this
standard contribute to making OpenOffice open source?
8 Adoption: How did making OpenOffice open source contribute to its
adoption by business enterprises; Migration use cases.
9 Ecosystem: A panel of OpenOffice downstream users (Symphony,
NeoOffice,  LibreOffice,  Go-oo) discussing their use of OpenOffice code
and what they've contributed back.
10 Mobile: How desktop based office systems will adopt to responsive
design in mobile devices  ...
We can wait a few days, even a week, but then we'll have to cut the
topics we can't cover.

At this point, we would have to cut the whole track, unless Kay received 
some answers to the announce@ post. I haven't looked in the submissions 
system, so if you submitted something in the last 10 days there (or if 
you do in future) make sure to send a note here too.


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Re: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice

2015-01-25 Thread Mechtilde

Am 25.01.2015 um 09:26 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

> Can we agree on this simplified version, so that we can take the first
> steps?
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
Yes we should start

Kind regards

Mechtilde Stehmann
## Apache
## Freie Office Suite für Linux, MacOSX, Windoes
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Re: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice

2015-01-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

Andrea Pescetti schrieb:

Taking into account the different opinions expressed so far, I'm now
seeing a certain agreement on:
1) Election a new PMC Chair ...
2) Internal reorganization: people say what they are going to do to
drive the project forward ...
Later) Re-alignment between PMC and active community ...
Later) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice as part of
a larger ecosystem ...
Later) Release OpenOffice 4.1.2 ...

The "Later" items need not be done in this order. What matters is that
nobody should push their completion as priorities over #1 and #2.

I agree on that order.


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Re: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice

2015-01-25 Thread Marcus

Am 01/25/2015 09:26 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

Can we agree on this simplified version, so that we can take the first

To make it short: Yes.


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Re: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice

2015-01-25 Thread Michal Hriň
Sent from Android (non biding)

To the #1,2,3. I expressed my thaughts earlier, and once more we cannot do 
nothing uf we cannot harm asf rules. Majority of people with rights to decide 
how project will go, are sleepy and disagree with everything.

#4 have some ideas on my head , need dictionary :)

#5 ok. If we still didnt have buildbots setted up. I  can provide my cpu time 
and bandwith to provide linux packages.


Andrea Pescetti napísal/a:

>I see five short-term (say, something that must be either done or put 
>towards completion by end of February) priorities for OpenOffice as a 
>project. They overlap, and we, especially the PMC, need to agree on how 
>to order them, otherwise we risk pulling in different directions and 
>mutually blocking the initiatives from others.
>1) Election a new PMC Chair (the Chair has one, and clearly defined, 
>role: being the liaison officer between the OpenOffice PMC and Apache; 
>he/she can do much more, and I have been doing much more and I'll still 
>continue with the rest; but this is not part of the Chair duties).
>2) Internal reorganization: people say what they are going to do to 
>drive the project forward (so an "active" approach rather than the "I 
>don't have time, but someone should..." approach which is not working).
>3) Re-alignment between PMC and active community (the PMC, not the 
>Chair, steers the project; so people who work must be in the PMC and 
>people in the PMC should confirm they are still interested in being there).
>4) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice as part of a 
>larger ecosystem, so what we can do in terms of collaboration with other 
>projects that are from Apache or from outside Apache.
>5) Release OpenOffice 4.1.2 (all of this must produce something for our 
>users!). This has a number of significant subtasks and preliminary tasks 
>(Release manager, digital signing...) but it would be pointless to 
>address them now.
>I'm asking for consensus, especially from PMC members, that we can carry 
>forward these 5 actions in the order I used above. I know you might have 
>different priorities, but if we manage to get these 5 items tabled we 
>can get rid of the "I see other priorities" blocker. Note that, if we 
>act responsibly and we are determined, we could start a new item (of the 
>5) every week, so by the end of February we can find an answer or a 
>roadmap for everything listed above.
>Do you agree with this scheduling? If it's a "no", please say it now 
>(and please give an alternative, otherwise we can't move), but if we 
>have a large majority of "yes" I'll move forward according to this plan.
>   Andrea.
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Re: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice

2015-01-25 Thread Andrea Pescetti

Marcus wrote:

Am 01/24/2015 06:56 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

4) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice as part of a
larger ecosystem, so what we can do in terms of collaboration with other
projects that are from Apache or from outside Apache.

For me this is no thing that can be solved short-term. Furthermore, we
should first solve the internal things to be able/ready to think about
external affairs.

I'll clarify it once again. My proposal means exactly that people do not 
bring up these issues while we discuss the previous ones in the list, to 
avoid long discussions that ultimately block the project.

It's a partly "yes". ;-)
My order would be #1, #2, #3, #5 (however some can/should be done in
parallel) and when that all is done #4.

Yes, #5 (release) would be discussed in parallel. This is not an issue. 
The issue is if this becomes a blocker. I want everybody to be clear 
that if we have consensus here we won't be able to accept objections 
like "Before electing a new Chair we must release OpenOffice 4.1.2".

Taking into account the different opinions expressed so far, I'm now 
seeing a certain agreement on:

1) Election a new PMC Chair ...
2) Internal reorganization: people say what they are going to do to 
drive the project forward ...

Later) Re-alignment between PMC and active community ...
Later) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice as part of 
a larger ecosystem ...

Later) Release OpenOffice 4.1.2 ...

The "Later" items need not be done in this order. What matters is that 
nobody should push their completion as priorities over #1 and #2.

Can we agree on this simplified version, so that we can take the first 


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