Hi All,

cross posting to the ODFToolKit and AOO.

I am working on a tool which explores the structure of ODF documents.
Which I hope will help in the testing world, serve to educate me re
ODF, and be a stepping stone to along the way to my postgrad degree.

Case in point - text lists.

Looking at the schema I see we have different types, numbered,
bulleted, and image based lists.

Looking at both the AOO code and the Toolkit code the level of nesting
appears to be hardcoded to 10. Is this correct?
A quick test trying to nest list items seems to confirm this.

The schema does not set a limit to the level. Am I correct in thinking
that ten was a design decision sometime in OO history.
I don't see a need for a deeper level. Just trying to clarify the picture.

Also once one level entry is created, ten items are added to the
styles data. Both in AOO and the tootlkit.
That must also be some sort of pragmatic decision? There is a note in
the toolkit saying it is a time saving mechanism.

And the way the styles operate is programatically we must maintain the
current list level and apply its style?
There does not seem to be a direct reference to the style definition.

Can anyone confirm these questions for me? And any links related to
style management would also be helpful, I have found a few, but would
love to find a style management 101 document.

Many thanks.

Ian C

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