tuan dang wrote:
Hi there,

I'm trying to build oo2 on Windows XP with MS Visual
Studio .NET 2003.

Firstly, to get the source code I ran a command:

cvs – z4 co -r cws_src680_ooo20040815 OpenOffice

Then, successfully ran the script ./configure

But when ran the ./boostrap, I got an error:

"Utime NULL not supported".

And I fixed that by ignoring the Utime flag in the
sysintf.c like that:

      return( utime(name, NULL) );
//#     error "Utime NULL not supported"

After that, I had dmake.exe without any error.

When I run dmake, I got another error:
not found", but that is not true because the file
actually exists.

Can anyone help me to fix it?


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Perhaps the mix of slashes and that backslash might be the problem?
You'd probably have to replace ever slash in every path with the
appropriate backslash...


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