[dev] Antwort: [dev] [solved] [Java] get content of text table - cell

2006-01-20 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
(); Tobias Hildebrandt Tobias.Hildebran An [EMAIL PROTECTED] dev@openoffice.org

[dev] Antwort: [dev] [Semi OT] OO SDK and Eclipse: how to add API reference

2006-01-19 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
Hi Tobias, You just have to follow these steps: 1) create a new project 2) right-click your project in the package explorer (on the left), select properties 3) select java build paths, then libraries 4) click on add external jars 5) select the api-jars, which can be found at

[dev] Combine XIndexAccess

2006-01-11 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
Hi, maybe anybody is able to help me with this: I have two XIndexAcces elements, A and B, and need to combine them to a XIndexacces element C, that means that C should contain all elements from A and B, in this order. I have now idea how this could work. I tried to get the cellRanges from A

[dev]Refresh Document

2005-12-19 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
Hi, in my program I insert various text in a writer document, and afterwards create a XSearchable of that document, like that: xSearchable = (XSearchable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSearchable.class, xTextDocument); But when I execute the search, the data which I inserted after opening the

[dev] Antwort: [dev] Proposal: Document Conversion Project

2005-12-15 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
That sounds pretty interesting... I could use such a tool, especially if it avoids the compatibility issues which exist with OpenOffice and MS Office documents. Juan Heyns

[dev] Antwort: Re: [dev] another API for Office development

2005-11-28 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
try jakarta-poi and jexcelapi - they are open source On Thursday 24 November 2005 07:30 am, Tobias Hildebrandt wrote: Hi, maybe anybody can help me

[dev] another API for Office development

2005-11-24 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
Hi, maybe anybody can help me with this: for a project I need to open Word / Excel - files, replace some text and save the files again automatically. Until now I experienced with the Java - API for OpenOffice which was very suitable for this purpose. But recently I noticed that OpenOffice is

[dev] Antwort: Re: [dev] Antwort: Re: [dev] New OO-Api wrapper noa

2005-11-16 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
it work on windows On Wednesday 16 November 2005 08:01 am, Tobias Hildebrandt wrote: But I am using Windows

[dev] New OO-Api wrapper noa

2005-11-15 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
Hi group, Has anybody tested the new OO-Api wrapper noa (nice office access) yet? I found no examples, the only information the developers give is a screenshot with a sample application: http://ubion.ion.ag/website_bilder/noaExampleScreenshot.gif/image_view_fullscreen - but I can`t even

[dev] Java / Problem with search in Calc - Document

2005-11-11 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt
Hi, I have a problem with a search in a calc document. I have a document with various keywords, which are searched and saved in a XIndexAccess. Then I cast the XIndexAccess elements in XCell objects. This until now worked fine. But an error occurs, if two (or more?) keywords are in

[dev] Antwort: Re: [dev] Java / Problem with search in Calc - Document

2005-11-11 Thread Tobias Hildebrandt