
Back on DEV300_m71 (hey, it's Saturday morning, and I was nostalgic
for the sight of the top of my real-world desk), I managed to provoke
an assertion--actually, macro LOG_ERROR() ...

    Debug Output
    Error: ASSERT:
    “Congratulation! You found the reason for bug # 120310#.  Please contact 
the right developer and show him a scenario, which trigger this bug.  Thx.”
    From File 
 at Line 457
    Abort ? (Yes=abort / No=ignore / Cancel=core dump)

Of course, bug number 120310 is bogus.  It happens that I do not have
anything useful to offer to the writer, but if I did I would not know
where to offer it.  Does anybody care?  Is there anything I can do to
help out?

The result of some poking around on ...

(*) I notice nothing in bug 10310 "OpenOffice crashed when opening or
    saving a file"
    <> which
    either supports or contradicts a guess that the writer meant this
    bug.  Bugs 20310 and 12310 do not look like good candidates.

(*) The assertion in question was committed to revision
    148756:6afa37be3998 on 2005-07-12, with the comment ...

        framework/source/dispatch/closedispatcher.cxxINTEGRATION: CWS fwk16 
(1.9.140); FILE MERGED
        2005/07/07 11:20:31 as #120310# close dispatcher detects 
disposed frames now and handle it more gracefully


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