Hi Henrik,

I didn't read this before answering in the issue. Sorry for this.

I just started a build with the 29.12. snapshot.

Just to confirm, with the 29.12. snapshot I also get lots of hangs and
strange behaviour. Unfortunately I'm leaving for a week in a few hours.

I have the same problems while using the 29.12. snapshot.
I've added more to issue 51560.

If someone could prepare a small testcase to reproduce the hang and post
it to the cygwin mailing list (cygwin at cygwin dot com) that would be
really fantastic.

I haven't been able to do that (I dont consider "try to compile OOo"
as a small testcase...). I know too little about dmake and tcsh and
bash and sed.
I would like to test what's happening when giving the same sed command
as dmake directly from the tcsh prompt.
That would be an excellent catch.

I also get random coredumps running ./configure.
If you can find what coredumps in configure, that would also
be nice. Configure is a script. If you can strip it down to the few
lines that throw the core for you that would also be a great testcase.
It's good enough that once in while a core is thrown with this reduced

I'll be back next week and can see what I find next week.

Thanks for trying ;)


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